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Everything posted by 1Day

  1. I have just run the benchmark using my 980X @ 4.6 GHz and 4.4 GHz and the results that Christian has flagged do seem to fall between them. Still not comfortable about the PhysX being tabbed in the GPU-z. BUT I do not have a nVidea card to test this with at the moment. Sweet can you do a test and confirm please. Any one willing to send me a few 480 cards
  2. If there is a problem express what that problem is and it will be dealt with PlatoonSgtElias. Please report or create a thread and post the links to the submission you refer to. The manner in which you have expressed yourself is an insult to your team and to you.
  3. I hope that he does have those validation files, it would make life so much easier if he did. Then all the posts in this thread would not have bene needed. And I would not have been pawned so badly by TiN :D
  4. That is true Christian - submissions can only be approved based on the information (validation) that is provided. So we have proof for some of the results and they are equal to Gold Cups. The others submission that do not have validation can not be given the credit that they might be due. It is sad but there is nothing one can do without legit validation.
  5. That is a valid point about the 03 result.
  6. No it was not me who gave the OK for the result that was other moderator - one who has been moderator for long time, but the result it has been changed to dual card by me. I do not think that any results need to be blocked actually I think they are both OK for the different class they are in.
  7. May I suggest you read the report that was included with your result being temporarily suspended from being included for points. And the pm I sent to you before I suspended the result. Not blocked just suspended. And second it would have been so much easier if when you report a result that you state the reason why you are reporting it. TiN - thank you that is exactly what was needed. Now the result can be placed in the correct category - dual GPU class.
  8. As per your request submission is now under review. Thank you for assisting staff in this matter.
  9. Why is your result shown above valid and the other not? Please explain further T0lsty I am most interested in understanding why your result which shows stock clocks for the graphic card is good but the one by X-Tripiot is not?
  10. Use the report function please do not spam the main forum.
  11. Sam that is bloody scary - well done mate.
  12. The ORB link is not for that particular result. To view the tests you have to scroll down the future-mark result page in your browser (the browser window will have to be bigger than you have it opened currently btw) You will get it sorted I am sure.
  13. Well the big problem is that the ORB link does not match the result posted. And the screen-shot does not include the items I indicated to you in a previous thread where needed. So you just need to provide the correct ORB link and then all is good. PM (not start a new thread but send a PM) to Thor telling him you have updated the submission.
  14. That is from the rules page. It is a good example of what a screenshot should look like. Now the problem with your result is that you do not have that information I highlighted in red present. Nor is your URL working. This has nothing to do with me so not sure why you opened a discuss 1Day thread. Maybe you should have opened a discuss a djzatorze thread instead yes.
  15. That is a good question and one I would not mind knowing the answer to ...
  16. @ rickss69 If you are going to use that form of screen shot for verification could you please make sure that all the relevent details of the benchmark and the tests are visible please. It does make life so much easier from this side of things if you could do that.
  17. Have you tried to recalculate option? *Edit - What I can tell you from looking at your submission is that you need to provide a proper and valid screenshot. I would suggest you look at the example provided when you submit your results. If you have a orb url that is good too. But in this instance you do not.
  18. Good to see you back in the saddle Ch@pS
  19. I think a legend is someone who is no longer actively benching but who was an iconic figure while they were in the game. So for me no active bencher can be or could be called legend. As to why you lot get nervous when you meet each just does my head - bunch of girls blouses the lot of you. :D Personally I would love to meet the Japanese benching team - they were my hero's big time, breaking the super Pi world record on entry level kit. Plus Duck is pretty good looking.
  20. I like the practical way that stummerwinter thinks - so lets combine them all. Oh did I see on some thread that Massman likes to sauna too? Drinking session, sauna then benching?
  21. You might try the local forums in the UK. http://www.benchtec.co.uk/forums/ is a good place to start. Edit I see you have all ready.
  22. This is sad indeed and especially for his family. I hope they are doing ok. RIP
  23. Kenny that is a good question, and I have no idea how it would be policed if it is deemed not to be acceptable.
  24. Result validation url the frequency attained is as indicated 3947.2GHz would you be so kind as to edit your submission please.
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