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Everything posted by 1Day

  1. Are ES CPU's allowed to be in the CPUz section of the BOT? Must be I guess. Still think that this CPU is not representative of retail q6600. But lovely overclock non the less.
  2. The ORB link seems to be set to private. The screen-shot needs to contain all the information outlined in red. Remember to have a clear view of the benchmark resolution and settings in your screen-shot.
  3. As a rule if you use a valid Futuremark URL there is no need to have a screen shot. Of course I am not sure if that is what you are asking.
  4. There are three things that need to be kept in mind when thinking about the BOT and this proposed revision to the bot. Cheating Cost of HWBOT upkeep Future of benching Fist one is the most ugly and the one which has an effect on all of us. Cheating, there are many different kinds of cheating that goes on in the benching world. The kind that is the easiest to pick up is when an individual posts a result that is bogus, either because of some illegal tweak, illegal action or tool, or because of a perceived talent with photoshop. Then we have the kind that is not so easy to pick-up a legitimate result that was not done by the person submitting the result. Yes we had a extreme case of this in our community a few months ago and that does happen, but what I am talking about is when some people from a team all submit results that were completed with hardware that is not their own. Here is an example. A group of benchers from the same team get together and do some benching. One of them has a great graphics card and it really kicks butt. Coupled with a good CPU (not even a great one is needed) you will end up with some top 50 or even top 20 results. And of course the end of the session there are many many results which are better than the personal bests of those people present. See where I am going here? Now what does happen far to often is that over the next few weeks all the people and even those who were not at the bench session will submit results done with that hardware. The result you have 8 or 9 people from the same team present submissions to HWBOT as there own, those results push their team up the leader board. Those results are hard to detect as bogus and harder to prove. I mean so you are asked for a photo of the hardware, big deal you might even own a graphic card that is the same as the one used in the benching session it just happens to clock like a dog. So basically there is no way to prove unless people are stupid how they submit the results. And that is how many are caught out. But the point is this, the team competition as it is now is the single major cause for that kind of cheating. The folks who spend hours and hours grinding out results for 0.1 boints with hardware than can remember when Noah led the animals two by two are not the problem, it is the top components that bring the big points for a team. So a solution is to limit the team league to the best results is proposed. Many who have posted here do not like it, fair enough, I am sure you do not support cheating as I have described above so what do you propose as an alternative? The second thing is day to day running costs. I think the forum admins need to post publically what the costs actually are to run the HWBOT in its intirety. I belong to a really huge forum (not a benching forum) and the ownder has published the books and sets a monthly target for us the members to reach that will cover the costs. No that might seem a paradox:D but it works. We the users of HWBOT do not understand just how much it costs. Show us. Tell us. So we can buy into the vision of what HWBOT can be and most probably needs to be. The last thing to keep in mind when replying to this thread and the new rev - is what is the future of benching. I like so many who participate love benching. I am not rich at all. I benched as a single mother of two small kids and still have to make do with second hand or used kit that I buy on ebay or on the classified sections of AVforum here in the UK. I can not afford to buy top end kit when it is new. Simple as that. Benching has always been a sport that the rich or the sponsored favor. That has always been. I do not like it, only because I am not sponsored. If I was sponsored then I would not mind I think. But the whole sponsor thing is moving on and evolving. There needs to be a similar evolution at HWBOT. It is impossible for Joe or Jane average to compete with a vendor sponsored bencher. Graphic cards that are binned for you, VGA bios's that are unique and let us not forget those special motherboard bios that are not available to all. I could be wrong here but that is not a level playing field. There are already economic (fiscal) limitations on most bencher's and I believe that there does need to be a separation of the benching leagues if the sport is to grow stronger. More and more people are benching and have joined HWBOT. Most will never get to top 20 status and that is fine. I am one of those. But when I see the top 20 section filled with people who have had special kit given them to promote a vendor I do get angry. Now before anyone says that there are retail kit in the top 20 I know there is. I am speaking in general terms. I love this sport I want it to grow strong and keep getting better. I think we need a league system like in football. So I ask think about where you want this sport of benching to be in two years, in five before you write a rant about how bad the rev is. Offer solutions or alternitive ideas we need them badly. Thanks for reading. Both of you. :D
  5. Thank you miahallen-san even for some of the experienced hands it is worth reading.
  6. Theft of someone else's benchmark results is a banning offence as far as I am concerned - has anyone contacted the member to ask for his version yet? This nub has to go.
  7. Thanks for taking the time to write this up and post here. Much appreciated, and I would love to help out, just need to get a 480 graphics card now.
  8. WOW I did not know we could submit a result without completing all the tests required for the benchmark. Thank you - just shows we learn something new every day.
  9. Really??? Which benchmark or benchmarks can be submitted as valid to HWBOT without all the required individual tests having been run?
  10. The rules are quite clear about how each benchmark can and must be run. The bottom line is run the benchmarks at the settings required as stated by the rules. If hardware can not run the benchmark in the manner required by the rules, then that hardware is not acceptable. Nice and simple.
  11. So far this is the max BLK I have been able to get 259. Not sure how much more there is in the CPU but I hope quite a bit So far only benched with it once, with the GA H55N-USB3 motherboard, maybe there is more if I get some LN2 on the CPU. The funny thing with this CPU was I tried to sell it because I could not get it to clock past 210 at all. Even tried to RMA it:D Quite pleased they refused the RMA. The minute I put some Dry Ice on it it clocked. Go figure.
  12. Sure is - I get quite a few that are only thumbnail in size.
  13. A generous spirit who always had time for a n00b. Gone not forgotten, not here.
  14. I think I am permanently emotionally scarred by that music. Now if the Myth-busters had got involved they would have blown it up. Or if we are lucky they could have blown Carrie up. :D
  15. To you Hondacity my friend we sort of helped each other out every now and then. And boy did we learn lots. Cheers.
  16. Idiot The funny thing is I actually tried that I was so desperate to get below 9 min with my 750, did not help.
  17. So just to get things straight. One gpu core = 1 card. Two gpu core in the same PCi-e slot = 2 cards.
  18. I would pay heaps to watch the best benchers in the world doing their stuff. I love it. I have learnt so much from watching the live feeds. True lots of what I have learnt is what NOT to do. :D Dinos it is a 530 CPU. I have to go budget for all my stuff. So that was the dual core and for quad I went 750 and that gave me best BLK of 235 not great but what can you do.
  19. You know the funny thing is I would love to be a good enough bencher and a contender so to be asked just once to rerun a benchmark. God it sucks to be so crap that no-one even looks at your scores and wonders how you got those times. :D And yes please bring it on. I want more comps like this one. This kind of benching rules. :)
  20. Thanks Dinos - I value that you have taken the time to help fill in the blanks for me. The things is that for many of us, or at least in my case I just do not understand or have enough experience with 32 Mil benching to pick up on certain things that are critical to understand what is going on here. I would like to address a few points if I may. First up. I asked Sam personally why he removed his first submission, this I did within days of him doing so just to place it in some kind of time context. He expressed it like this. The result was removed because he Sam did not want to have any results that were controversial or would detract from the competition it self. He agreed that the tref was seemingly out of range. Now it seems you can boot into that tref is set in bios. But I have not done so myself but will take it on faith that you can. Second thing. No I did not know about the 2:10 range being the problem settings and I wish I did know that. It would have saved me a whole heap of pain and frustration during my benching sessions. True in the end I did get it after wasting far to much time with those impossible settings. So you see Dinos why for us n00bs these kinds of explanations in detail are pretty important. Thanks Third thing. So you are not really interested in the final submission? You agree that it was plausible at those settings, or have I got it wrong? But you still would like to see a video of it. What would that video clear up? I am still unclear of the work the video would do in this matter. Are we wanting to know if the correct motherboard was used? What is it specifically that is under scrutiny? I still do not know. And no Dinos I am not blonde. By the way I got 257 BLK stable for 32 Benching on my mobo too. Great motherboard this is. ;)
  21. You muppet the competition is finished. :D
  22. I agree then lets ask all the top 5 to do so.
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