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ale belo

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Everything posted by ale belo

  1. https://hwbot.org/news/13722_application_198_rules/
  2. For hight frequency step C3 is the way. Need 555/560 man. 550 is only C2 = junk
  3. ottimo lavoro Luigi....mi hai dato uno spunto. ne ho 2 full cover a casa
  4. https://giphy.com/gifs/audio-mixer-motorized-XGxKVfqKg8CXu
  5. No man!ud5/ud7 is better C4F/C4E for spí. From my test Asus loses 6 seconds with the 6600mhz chip I use for mboard efficiency. Geek3 / spí giga. Wprime / h265 Asus
  6. Pot vga senza un minimo di coibentazione sotto. Ti piace rischiare
  7. Nice work, but hight nb frequency. Over 4k for a good efficiency
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