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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. I just Pmd Scotty I just follow up on the type of CPU that is listed as it is at HWBOT, same discussion for the Haiwai/Tahiti. Here it said Thuban... will recheck later for Anitomy's update ( at work now )
  2. All we need for verification is there, the benchmark which was ran, the bechmark settings, the score, the subresults and all the CPU-Z and GPU-Z details... move on...
  3. Thanks Matt, so we accept the older Agesa scores for the compo, everybody has 49 days to rebench
  4. community choice seems obvious, happy rebenching guys
  5. That's the fun part , you don't always compete against active members... some scores can easily be beaten due to a better subplatform.. others require more skill and optimizing settings, OS, wazza,... It is all fun... which is something many forget. A few made it into the big league, 99.5% will just have fun and achieve eternal fame on the internet... Hwbot is a database, remaining a good reference for all OCers and tweakers... that is what it always should be.... Let me restart Rookie rumble with XTU submissions, that means 400 subs per month easily, does that figure mean anything? Maybe in a chart yes, in reality most of them only do a few runs with their cpu (maybe even just as a stress test only :p) Hence why I said numbers don't mean anything...
  6. Even it is just 10 people I would still be doing this... Numbers are for engineers, mathematicians,...
  7. you don't have to think, just vote plz :p Majority wins
  8. K made a poll to allow these subs yes or no for ongoing TeamCup, Community decides :p allow-old-agesa-for-gpupi-subs-in-tc2018 I have no problem accepting these as Matt confirmed nothing shady is going on...
  9. So Matt did some interesting testing and confirmed the older AMD Llano AGESA is boosting performance in GPUPI versus newer AGESA versions. Question is simple for the ongoing Team Cup competition: 1) We allow these subs (as technically there is nothing wrong or buggy) 2) Not allowing these... I leave it up to the community to decide, since we still have 50 days to rebench and it is a pretty fast benchmark we can change the moderation approach...
  10. why do you think that Nik? Some people already volunteered so I hope to have 2 moderators operational in the next month or so. I hope Frederik can resolve/fix some annoying bugs like the links that don't work, etc Biggest issue is I have not enough knowledge of the ultra old stuff or the brand new 3D stuff on LN2 so we need a few experts that can keep an eye on eg. the LOD used subs in Timespy or such benchmarks... It is like with any club or such, volunteers keep the boat afloat, if you loose those than it will be over and done...
  11. We are now with just one programmer, one mod and one person that maintains the DBase... no newswriters, no forum admin,... We will have to open vacancies, issue is there's not much time to train the new crew; Last but not least this is all done without any payment or other compensations...
  12. look guys we use what is listed at the Bot, even it might be incorrect according some websites or members. if your planned videocard is Hawai at HWBOT it will be Hawai for the competition... Zosma is Zosma, not Thuban... and Grenada is Grenada I hope this clears out the confusion
  13. Google translate or other free toold aren't perfect... that they debate internally and let one post in english...
  14. I know that but if some start in Russian, the Italians do their thing, why not throw some Arabic in the mix, who can read or flollow up on the forum postrs. The options are English or English... nothing more, nothing less...
  15. HWBOT is an international website, thus with an english forum. Hence everybody can follow it,
  16. Thanks Gregor for all the work you did. Much respect bro what you, Carl, PJ, Frederik, Michael and Chris pulled off, to make this free service enjoyable. I withdrew from the conversation as K5 and all this old hardware is not my cup of tea, however if I look back on 2018 alone many of the OSIBS subs have been heavily discussed over and over again regarding the the validity of many submissions or the hardware being used. You can draw your own conclusions on who's too blame... Seems the centrum of the universe nitwit wins again by using an abundant, probably in his point of view a democratic usage of words. Give yourselves a big cheer and a tap on the back. Another amazing achievement: Self Destructive mode is fully unlocked. However this unexpected departure means the bot's evolution might come to a halt, and this from right now: There might not be any more future hardware additions to the Bot's database. Thanks to those that supported Gregor and the BOT for its free service. To the others; if you don't like it here, why don't you go and play somewhere else where it is much better structurized, better moderated and where you can all have your little saying ... Just let us be happy in our elite biased bubble.... Democracy stopped right here, right now... if one ever pulls this word out of the hat again or starts to copy paste the entire wikipedia to waste my time and lecture me, I'll ban him without even blinking... You all have been officially warned.
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