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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. Plz always add CPUZ tabs for CPU and memory in your verification screenshot, plz check out the rules at: https://hwbot.org/benchmarkRules
  2. No Laptop or other mobile devices, desktop hardware only!
  3. How about a Team Season Ranking on the frontpage?
  4. I think the best suited moral is: if users would just run the benchmark and not mess things up with software tweaks or use bclocking to bug the scores, PCMark05, AIDA and co would still be ranked....
  5. As some of you noticed a lot of drama has been ongoing about certain team loosing a lot of points and some even dropping a few spots in the ranking. It seems some think this was a premeditated act to achieve the above and to mess around. I think we all have better things to do as a there is still a lot of work to do. Biggest issue was this was implemented without any checks of the moderation Team. The point/competition algorithms are for 90% based on a totally new code and this means a lot of old bugs of the original point system have been finally adressed. Sadly as with everything in the semi conductor world new code usually means a few new bugs will pop up and these will also need also to be fixed asap. So what happened over the last weeks and mainly the final weekend of October 2023. 1) When a user quits HWBOT and decides to delete his account, the subs were not deleted but remained active for the Team he was active in. These scores would carry the Team Name. Over 8000 of those subs have been removed We decided to remove all these subs as there is no trace of the existing user and this person decided to remove his account anyway. 2) A lot of benchmarks had no more support and were easily buggable, think of AIDA64, Realbench, the infamous software hacked PCMark05,... It was decided years ago to no longer give any points for these benchmarks but to keep the ranking intact. The individual boints were already removed a long time ago, but the teams still got Global and/or Hardware Team Power Points. 3) Number three might seem weird but Teams still received GTPP and HTPP points for a few removed benchmarks, this is something Tim discovered while going trough the code... I myself don't recall either but some benchmarks, of the pre Cinebench R15 era, were removed, but Team points were still in the points tables for these non-existing benchmarks. 4) The "Edit your score bug" has been resolved, but till a few weeks back editing your score always gave the maximum of points per benchmark. Also these were also not always picked up when recalculating the benchmarks. 5) The merging of "With BenchMate" with the original benchmarks still had several double point counts. Meaning a user would still could have points for the "with benchmate benchmark" and the original benchmark category, so Happy hour of Hwbot points. These scores have been merged now or nullified. Hopefully Tim caught them all... 6) Still ongoing are a lot of subs that need manually editing as either the CPU or GPU model are missing, these are in general pre-2009 submissions, but we still need to go through over 5500 of these manually Below is a comparison so one has an idea of how big the impact of the aforementioned actions is on some ideas. We are referring to removed points, not submissions Ofcourse loosing points is never a fun thing, people have invested time and money to get these subs in. But in all fairness many Team Power points were incorrectly added to the Team total and this for years and years.. It was high time to address all this so that in 2024 all point code is correctly functioning. More things on the list of Tim: - The old "you lost, gained" hardware points will be added again to the profile wall - Deleting Team subs will be added to the Team Captain role - More transparent display of point changes - ...
  6. Expire time is 30 minutes, next week a more solid login might be implemented.
  7. We are planning to allow this but not for competition scores
  8. Banned, unbanned, banned ? not much points to gain there.... RIP Shane bro. Vings merge is completed on UAT Recruiting a new member with 9000 points doesn't mean your team statistics will gain another 9000 points either... check your team rankings... George, Genieben, Zarok,... these clockers soup up most of the GTPP and HTPP But everyone believes in what they want to believe... I still have over 4K in subs to moderate with missing hardware... but those are scores are dating from latest 2010.... pretty sure they have no impact on any of the current standings... Nobody is implying that there are no more errors in the newer point code but we are 200% sure there were too many points given with the Fred version.
  9. Or something was still wrong when Spit joined the Team... that was early October... it is exactly as Tasos mentioned, too many things were broken, too many double aka ghost points, ghost points for removed benchmarks, bad competition seasonal points,... endless list... The above comparison is of the image of the friday before the old point code was replaced by the new code... and that was approx 15K
  10. I got some numbers in from Tim regarding Warp9 Systems. Tim will be doing the same for Hellas , Madshrimps and Overclock.net Deleted user account zerod points: 2427 Terminated Benchmarks ghost points: 760 Pcmark05 ghost points: 4710 With BenchMate ghost points: Wprime 1024: 1030 Wprime 32: 1090 CB R11.5: 1100 CB R15: 1252 CB R20: 995 SuperPi 1M: 725 Superpi 32M 764
  11. Plz check out the front page rules at: https://hwbot.org/benchmarkRules 3D scores require the benchmark window, score and CPUZ tabs for CPU and memory and a GPUZ for the graphics card
  12. Plz check out the front page rules at: https://hwbot.org/benchmarkRules 3D scores require the benchmark window, score and CPUZ tabs for CPU and memory and a GPUZ for the graphics card
  13. Plz check out the front page rules at: https://hwbot.org/benchmarkRules 3D scores require the benchmark window, score and CPUZ tabs for CPU and memory and a GPUZ for the graphics card
  14. There is already a faster score on LGA1700 ( https://hwbot.org/submission/5378288 ) , the Country requires 1 score per socket, so one for LGA170, one for AM5,...
  15. a benchmark that is in alpha state is not visible in the standard benchmark list: all existing boints go, thus also Team hardware and Team boints eg PCMark05, AIDA64, HWBOTprime,... Realesed and Beta Benchmarks maintain the GTTP and HTPP Catzilla is still in the benchmark list but doesn't get any hardware points, so Team boints are also removed XTU due to the bugged output became Bointless, but GTPP HTPP were still attributed... these get zerood Anyways we are still doing recalcs... so nothing is final yet
  16. K We are cleaning up and are recalculating once more To give a few examples: HWBOT prime hasn't been supported for ages but still gave Team points for some teams, similar story for PCmark05, SuperPi 8M, Time Spy Physx, XTU,... Old HWBOT still gave a lot of points, but it was hit and miss Users that left HWBOT still gave Team points in certain benchmarks, these are being zerood. No submissions of present users will be deleted. But it is not logic that a user deletes his account, but still would contribute to a Team.
  17. I take the ADATA 2200 set if still available
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