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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. lo all, trying to get this MSI lightning 6970 booting on my Z77 Maximus V board. With the silent and normal bios preset all is fine and everything boots and posts. However once I select the extreme bios profile the setup doesn't display any image. Yet seems to boot straight into windows. Just no image is displayed... Tried to get it working on Gen 1-2-3... PCIe x16/X8 to no avail... bios 0603 till 14xx series on Max V Extreme... DVI/HDMI no go... SIGH similar shite on Z87... Anyone else experienced this ? Would be a shame to bench this card at 10001050Mhz as it could be she holds more potential under cold...
  2. Great fun HWBot ! Congratz to all teams, nice scores submitted. Especially well done from the own Under guys, well deserved ! Next year let's hope to get some more animo in Belgium. As it was one against all for everybody: Happy new Year all ! Thanks Frederik for the LN2 support :woot: And Tones.be for the hardware :nana:
  3. I think you could disable bench options in V1.0, though these "tweaked" results are very obvious
  4. Have fun holidays lads and gals (that's 4 Badger Marc, Shadi and Marine) Hope to meet most of you again in 2014 !! Best wishes, good health and lots of points !!!
  5. Massman can I have the banhammer today ? This will be over in a blink of an eye Dino start running dude
  6. +1, fully agree man, this in total contradiction of the Xmass spirit... This act will set some bad blood for sure
  7. Go get em Roman !! Congratz to the Down Under crew, well done :woot: EDIT: I just looked at the ranking, Germay is on top again
  8. Otherwise I take maybe vital points from your tema and you will end up defriending me on facebook
  9. Don't ever tell that to Sin Dino You will end up in an endless conversation... and he always has the last word Great scores lads, too bad I couldn't devote more time and push harder here due to family issues...
  10. Or it means you are older Pred Looking forward to this already !! Might be even better then the Computex OC gatherings
  11. Scatter benching at its finest mate :)I don't have time to push harder, too much family stuff going on... next year will be better ( I hope )
  12. You are using a PCIe card. Nacho's score with the Titan is better then yours, so your score does not count in the ranking... only the highest score per GPU type are used in Stage 8. For the other two scores you listed, one is APU, the other one is a hybrid (so APU + GPU) score, so Argentina still needs an AGP and PCI card score... Your score will only be listed from the moment you beat one of the previous set scores per GPU type. I hope it is clear now
  13. Only the best result counts mate, either you best his score or your submission is not included in the total ranking for CC2013
  14. 5 and 7 websmile plz, somehow lost my GTX2s sigh...
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