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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. Found some more dud 4670K CPUs 1.4Vcore set in Bios, Loadline high... needed to post and pass CPU Queen test in AIDA L307B070 35250064A0328 4600 L307B070 3524905A2691 4500 L307B088 35250064A1809 4500 L307B088 35250064A2289 4700 L307B088 3524905A0097 4600 L311B438 35308487A0438 4600 L311B438 35308253A1837 4600 L311B438 35308487A2154 4600 L314B011 2L311030A1179 4800 L314B011 2L311030A2737 4700 L314B011 2L311030A2737 4600 L314B011 2L311030A1330 4700 about 15 more to follow tomorrow, sadly all of the same batches Really weird CPUs these Haswells sigh
  2. Thing is is Goddy, sometimes it feels like talking to a wall. We even get mocked, while trying to explain the hows and why's. They don't care about the criticizm, as most are too afraid to provide a negative conclusion. some of the comments we got from TechPowerup Dave: "Dude, if you put me on the payroll, I'll write anything you want" mmm that reply says it all... Another good one: You only judge by performance, a conclusion is based on more then just that... Wtf man if I have to cash out +500 euros for a mere 8GB, then the darn thing has to perform and kick the nuts of any lower priced kit out there... But then I got this: I think competitive OC is killing the enthusiast industry. So if you guys don't like my reviews, that's perfect in my books. you're misleading the industry for personal gain, anyway, by pushing competitive OC. This is why board makers are more focused on gamers now...extreme OC is great, but is just a niche of a niche, and no minority should control the interests of the majority without letting the majority voice their opinion Yes we are misleading the industry for sure... sorry I misunderstood that Avexir made that particular kit for gamers, as they will get lower frame rates with it then a 2133 kit sigh... After a final reply I left Dave's world, as that guy has some serious analyzing issues... but so funny that even guys who frequently visit the forum at XS don't seem to grasp what is actually going on at TP... He better change his signature quote from : -Only real men play games THIS way to -Only true reviewers reveal the truth, however I WON'T Chapter closed for me...
  3. did it get a recommended award Jermery ? Otherwise I will not believe you that it's any good
  4. no it's not Roman , the 2500 kit states performance ! I gave up on Dave from TechPowerup, he's lost in space...
  5. I didn't want to go over 1.72Vcore mate as we heard rumours about CPUs suddenly loosing 400-500MHz after being ran at 1.8Vcore... Pretty sure it can do 5800ish 3D too, but that's where it will end probably... Even at full pot the LN2 kept boiling
  6. Pretty happy with it, dropped quick in temp and the load handle was quite good... plus the top POM plate doesn't freeze as with the old infliction pot I had... FYI didn't have to fight with CB or CBB on this CPU
  7. According to a report from Bloomberg, SK Hynix accident involving large fire that hit its production facility in Wuxi, China is not as bad as local media were reporting and that Hynix expects to be back to full operation in short time. Although the facility was indeed on fire and certainly suffered a big damage, according to a report and SK Hynix, it is not a huge catastrophe and that there is no material damage to the fab equipment in the clear room and full operations are expected to resume "in short time". Apparently the fire was concentrated in one of the air-purification facilities. The accident kicked off major market speculations that most DRAM and NAND prices will rise dramatically but SK Hynix noted that supply will only be affected as long as they have to be shut down to fix the fire damage and should be up and running in no time
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