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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. Positioned my little rant at the end of the review in the conclusion page...
  2. Top Job Jon, good luck all participants, ordering the popcorn
  3. A11 bios for Z87 XPOWER (on request): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/66364457/MSI/Z87XPOWER/E7811IMS.zip !!!FLASH AT OWN RISK !!! FPT Flash DOS tool: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/66364457/MSI/Z87XPOWER/FPT.zip Command: Fpt –f e7811ims.11a -savemac ( don't forget the -savemac, otherwise your lan port might stop working ! )
  4. Can we call G.Skill to put Stuart at Computex next year, he can replace Christian Ney for sure
  5. HH strikes again, G.Skill 2933C12 review: As a final test we decided to look at what the highest MHz rating was that we could achieve on the standard timings. That was 3000MHz with the Maximus VI Gene. Moving back to 2933MHz we then tweaked the timings and voltage to see how they could be changed and this saw us run stable at 11-12-14-30-1T. Read all about it at our favourite website, they also did 3000C11-12-12 1.75v stable on Ivy with 2666C10 Corsair. Never any screenshot proof as usual... no replies to forum posts ... Who's this Stuart Davidson guy ? Gosh I would be so happy if the hardware companies tapped these blokes on the fingers... or invite them to an OC thingy and let them show their magic... getting so tired of these sites...
  6. A snippit from the review : As a final test we decided to look at what the highest MHz rating was that we could achieve on the standard timings. That was 3000MHz with the Maximus VI Gene. Moving back to 2933MHz we then tweaked the timings and voltage to see how they could be changed and this saw us run stable at 11-12-14-30-1T. Read all about it at our favourite website, they also did 3000C10-12-12 stable on Ivy with 2666C10 Corsair. Never proof as usual... no replies to forum posts
  7. Bios is test version A11, performance is not yet up to par with the other high end boards, but the improvement is huge in regards of performance and compatibility. the comparison is between 1.19 ( bottom pic) and the A11 (think it reads out as 1.2B10 or something, have to crosscheck tonite...)
  8. XPOWER is shaping up, look at the latency differences with this new Test bios versus 1.19. Finally it's moving in the right direction.
  9. Sounds interesting Giorgio Great results lads, keep em coming ! Question: How does one enter the inner circle of Petri's summerplace ?
  10. Sorry to deviate can anyone test if his stick can run 2933 C11-12-14-40 1T plz ( air plz, no wacky voltages )
  11. Switch off your monitor then of it happens
  12. also covered the dimm slots ? Any condensation in the slots ?
  13. Hardwareheaven is sausage site with a good visual wrap... Similar as with HH's review of the 2933C12's, I don't get Dave's review of the the same G.Skill 2933C12. It clearly shows the gain is not there with single sided MFR rams (also due to the loose tertiaries) versus 1600C9, yet the highly recommended award is given... beats all logic... unless you s*ld **t like Sin explained... then it all becomes clear... Some sites seem to have an obligation that an award must be given for each piece of hardware... even if craptastic
  14. Nice work man, really impressed by the bios on these ASRocks
  15. There are like 43 mem different settings, so 2000 is your final score Andre Congratz !
  16. Jonas is bringing his guitar and will play the entire soundtrack of The Titanic for sure
  17. Thx for the support James, Dino and Crusty, it seems it was all due to the Phase control being on AUTO, not about the timings lol.... only posts here at high or extreme preset
  18. Will flash back tomorrow Steven, got some pointers from Dino.
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