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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. Let sum it up as this : We got MaSsMaNnEd !!! PS: I think he got a free Dell laptop this year
  2. Very cool event, next time less hairy men plz Boris is ready to be the next Popeye !
  3. I think the talks between overclockers ( if you are more than one ofcourse ) makes all up for it I remember the comments we got when Henry translated on of our discussion about certain sensitive topics... I like coverage of live events. That if the camera crew is up to the task to interview and provide us with actual data. Home sessions are hardly inspiring to me...
  4. Way to go , beforehand this was close to impossible ? Again the Slews did the trick ?
  5. Nice idea , but a bit late too the party To let the AMD shine you have to run applications that can take specific use of the modular core design. If not, the Intels thrash it in raw performance. But that's synthetic, in daily usage they are all up to the task...
  6. My 2666c11 sticks need 11-14-14 and 2T command rate to get through 32M no matter the board... could be yours are similar...
  7. F5o received on my doorstep (should resolve the 2800C11 issues) http://dl.dropbox.com/u/66364457/Gigabyte%20UP7%20bios/z77xup7F5o.zip
  8. Thx for the heads up lads will try to play with the slew settings tonite... Had to play with a competitors board for a few tests... good to see it evolving now... @Zeneffect did you adjust the tWL value manually or is it on auto ?
  9. Looking at your Corsair Dimms PJ I have my doubts it they are Hynix based. Look at the tRAS, yours can be seriously tightened as with Samsungs... Still have to try the bios PJ you send, but another brand wanted me to retest some stuff for them Just tested the same 2800C11 dimms and CPU on the MPOWER board and it works like it should... will retest my PSC dimms on that board too... I got official word from a GB contact that PSC OCing at 2400 or beyond is out of G.SKILL specs, sigh... Maybe an idea to only put XMP profile in the bios and leave the RAM dividers hidden... that might be a future solution ... NOT ! @Mbeier and Sin: plz don't start this again, get a room you two or a cage to fight in ! Let's keep this thread to the point... a future BIOS that works fab ! This board has got potential , but we need a decent RAM compatibility fix ! This is not about not wanting to explore the board, the workarounds work sometimes, but creates a situation where some might find themselves uneasy and they will 90% ditch this board for another brand...
  10. you got a new goal then Kenny, go for it broooooooooooooooooooooooooo !
  11. So fun to see people think it's all just black and white... there's more behind this then just some sponsorship
  12. Plz use correct background for the competition lads and try XP it will shave off 10 secs
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