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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. Plz use correct background for the competition lads and try XP it will shave off 10 secs
  2. Got F5n to test with PSC http://dl.dropbox.com/u/66364457/Gigabyte%20UP7%20bios/z77xup7F5N.zip Try at your own risk EDIT: RAM dividers working now, but no improvement for PSC here during a quick test 2400 okay, higher +2500 no go... tWL value again has to be at 8 so running CAS7 is no option... CORSAIR 2800c11 Hynix sticks no go
  3. So Sin is a bot ? That explains a lot
  4. A 24 Phase powered human though you guys have more succes with F5m then the rest of us on UP7 ?
  5. In fact that's my end phrase for the GB Pr contact, great board but bundled with a mediocre bios... darn and the FM2 board is brilliant
  6. Great work sigh, no RAM multipliers indeed, no OC buttons, way to go... for me not a good idea to continue building on this bios... maybe time to explain to the bios team 1333MHz in bios is not 2666MHz Tried 3 reflashing, CMOS resets,... will try the OC bios... this should not be... possibility to be a great board, crippled by mediocre biosses... F3OC bios works great with Samsung, that's where I stop my testing with other IC types... far too annoying experience in my book...
  7. UD4H is no option Gigabyte wants me to promote the UP7 thx for any info...
  8. leeghoofdmadshrimps (how flucking original, not !)
  9. OC buttons for starters If I install the OC Touch button soft I loose the multiplier buttons... Would be cool if both worked at the same time Gamer lost 100MHz in final CPU speed, his board erratically shut down, I hope I don't have that UD5H behaviour on mine...
  10. Nope mate will try first F3OC, to see if it cooperates better
  11. So what happens with a hard crash under LN2 ? 00 error alike Asus if the board resets 100 bclock ? Will put the board under it's first paces with LN2 next week as a pretest for the demo. To be honest atm not really impressed, far too many small issues to workaround...
  12. I don't sandbug I have no other score at this moment nor my best GPU here mate...
  13. Nope normally not more then 1.85, it's just demo BBSE are still at Nick Shih's place sigh... you got a link for F3OC ? Sandy for country cup
  14. @offtopic Also why doesn't the Gigabyte Tweaklauncher 1.0 work with Sandy CPUs on the UP7 ? ( I know it says IVB ) Thanks Zen, need to get the hang of this board asap, will be working on it for a demo show next week...
  15. Allen to the rescue ! Gamer's wife will be very unhappy again tonite thanks to you
  16. Is that a special F3 bios for benchers ? @SIN: Yes Steven I referred too S3, sleep resume and co for daily users.( Ari got me wrong ) I meant develop a stable bios for daily users, most won't need +2400MHz speeds, but make 100% sure XMP profiles are bootable (ASUS sets some timings a tad looser to get it booting ) Then focus on a Bench bios that supports a wide variety of dimms...
  17. That website also uses Wprime95 for RAM testing... tells the tale... BACK TO UP7: UP7 F5J doesn't seem to change RAM divider, XMP profile loaded for 2666C10 Platinums, boots at 667MHz, forced 2666 divider: result 667Mhz c'mon. Bad bios flash ? Board came back from Guru3D, no idea how they tested it. Flashed back to F5f, RAM dividers sort of working, but now I lost the CPU multiplier OC button function... XMP profiles tested: CORSAIR 2666C10 PLATINUM Need to loosen tWWSR to 5 iso 4, to be 32M stable (1.68Vdimm is set by the board) tWWSR at 4 works fine on other brands with two sticks CORSAIR 2800C11 PLATINUM 51 error GEIL EVO VELOCE 16GB (2 x 8GB) 2133C10-11-11-30 Passed 32M GEIL EVO Corsa 16GB (2 x 8GB) 1866C9-10-9-27 Passd 32M GSKILL RIPJAWSZ 2200C7-10-10-27 51 error Boots fine with CAS 8 set iso CAS 7 from XMP (sticks do 2500 C7-11-7 on other boards) Only way to get CL7 booting is setting tWL to 8 GSKILL FLARES 1866CL7-8-7-24 CAS 7: 51 error, CAS 8 boots fine (sticks do 2400 C7-11-7 on other boards) Only way to get CL7 booting is setting tWL to 8
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