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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. That's just the thing Sweet, you don't see all details on the output. Unless you do as the guys proposed and do the output via a text file.
  2. I vote for all submissions a link Moose, just to allow easier moderating...
  3. That's exactly my point Steve, if you format via the proposed 512 nothing happens... with 1-2-4K I saw some nice speed improvements in parts of some synthetic benchmarks, ofcourse nothing goes bezerk as PCM05. Conclusion in fact, it's not the RAID 12.8 that is bugged, it's PCMark05 that craps out when an out of the ordinary format is choosen... so in that point Moose's assumption is not correct. Proposition for future PCM05 submissions : MUST include a verification link... PS: spare the master Leeghoofd Steve I'm a complete nOOb at this game and even accused a long time ago some moderators of cheating ( Sorry mista Trevaskis, James still wants to kick butt me )
  4. Put the two, powered by the AMD 12.8 raid driver at zero points, awaiting moderation... Massman has all the test results, conclusion : it is all in the format of the RAID setup... so if you can achieve it like Steve previously mentioned, with another soft it becomes sort of legal then ?
  5. You have to catch a killer when he's actually conducting the crime or have exact proof ( DNA, fingerprints,...) of the person involved. If not he's still innocent till proven guilty... Now the chit chat here is getting a bit out of hand, with people challenging/accusing staff members of being negligant, non objective or even taking advantage of passed on tweaks. For me that is a no go and the few people concerned, will prolly end up cutting their own wrists... Guys they do it all for free, get no rewards, only thing is that they were allowed to do is to chat with Massman on MSN. PCMark05 tweaking has gone completely bezerk and the line between cheat and tweak is close to non existant... Maybe time to shut it down, all thanks to the happy few who went over the edge with software fiddling. Perfectly stating actual PCMark05 benching is all about software and has nothing to do anymore with hardware...
  6. principle is the same, just rename the bios file, put USB stick in the white ROG USB port. Then press the ROG button till it flashes. If it stops after a while the flash is done... excellent tool...
  7. Also a tip : use one of the USB ports on the bottom of the board Kenny
  8. MSI MPOWER H52 BETA BIOS, solves cold slow issue with 7970 ATI cards. Flash at own risk ! File here
  9. There's always the edge Marc, either decide to go over it or stop in due time... this software fooling around is taking overclocking one step beyond in my book... Even if his tweak is/was legit, I still have got no explenations why the screenshots were sooo bugged. We all had some app doign weird stuff, but changing a computation which should be 8 secs slower, that's overdoing it... Also the maths from Sam proove explain why it close to impossible to achieve that score. Compare screenshot one with a CPU running over 60MHz faster then screenie 2. Yet exact same final score.. That can't be right, can it ? If it was a non bugged score, he should be even faster then, not ? My view: John has the hardware and skills for sure... Why not play accordingly ? It's an OPB revival to me... let's sum it up as the evil GREED thing, which is part of us all... It's a shame that stuff like this is stil happening... even with the big boys...
  10. Quick run after we did some pi and Pi32M tests... Z77 and SB is a no go combo...
  11. No Moose, it's no longer an HDD benchmark
  12. Great, sadly nothing from Gigabyte nor GeIL yet I think Dino claimed them at the customs
  13. Lighten up guys, it's just another benchmark, even though it has become more of a software benchmark and the hardware used has lost most of it's relevance. It's still amasing to see what some can pull of ( being it legal or not ) However a new point system has to be implemented for PCmark05, as it hurts big time to be beaten by a close to stock system, while I'm running a 6GHz setup with 4SSD's What do you guys suggest for points attributed to this whacky benchmark ?
  14. How on earth can Roger be more important then you ? Some priorities are not right at Team OCaholic
  15. Here comes Team Austria with 7GHz CPUs !! go for it lads... would already be happy with a 5Ghz sub 1.3VCore... better then the one I have right now
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