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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. Too much info coming from a dude, plz stop ! Let's summarize the short phenomenon in a picture:
  2. Wow nice Vivi, remind me to not buy a card from you
  3. Now that's a cool picture Mafio :nana: I luv it ! Await the final judgement lads, no need to pull this out of proportion... it's just a hobby, no need to spill blood, that's Chuck Norris his role...
  4. It's under evaluation by the staff, await there call. FYI there's nothing wrong with the CPUZ's by the way... other things look suspicious...
  5. Spill the I-ram trick !!! Or was that for the worlds fastest PCmark run by CherV ? You benched together John ? teaching her the tricks
  6. It's more about a lucky run to me on Intel They prolly did a quick Wprime run after the pi, pifast and co with the same setup CherV... probably nothing more nothing less... but I'm more interested in the other scores why the I-ram picture ? However I'm always open for suggestions... ( no nothing sexual Allen, sorry )
  7. work work work work no time for fun nor play you lying b i a t c h
  8. For sure young paddawan... tests were conducted during two days.. testing all formats and drivers and we found some nice things, not only in PCMark... tests even with mixed drivers... if you like or not the final call has been made
  9. The 12.8 decision was made based on internal testing. If you don't agree with it, so be it... no use in repeating it daily... you know it's allowed, use it or don't... that choice is completely yours... PCmark05 in general is a joke at the rate it is going... it's purely software not hardware related...
  10. Darn right Roman... Heck I have to run 6ghz flat to be 45K points behind a guy on stock air clocks trailing me with +/- 2500Mhz less CPU speed. But they know the software in and out... how is that for a comparison... I love the way you software guys dig out all the settings and co, but I think the whining has to stop as it will lead to the loss of all of them precious gained points... with or without the scripts,tweaks,... I would just say post your scores, you still get credited with big points for now...
  11. it can/could be bugged so not good enough for reliable results
  12. MOA 2008 Timothé lol, you french moules are doing it on purpose 3960X octacore, need one of those Tim Too much beer already hehehehe Great event setup, love the LN2 tea pots :banana: Congratz to all, very nice scores and now party time !!!
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