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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. Use HCI Memtest as Sam proposed, it's a pure RAM test, quick detection if anything is unstable.
  2. Wow you got two identical CPU's, darn HWbot bug...
  3. This post will make you mista popular 2012 at MOA finals Marcin You are lucky I'm not there
  4. just check what your settings do with AIDA... it's all in the 3rd subtimings lads... You should be able to go 5 min flat Chris with your CPU, I can do 6600 prolly with this one, but prefer to use it for 3D as the IMC is 2400ish max
  5. Keep this one alive Chris plz ( and don't give it to Boris either )
  6. try to drop 2 cores flanker and see if the CPU scales higher... that's a lot of volts for 4 cores man...
  7. Who ever said you can't date my wife ? I'm willing to make small sacrifices here Only person in the bot that can't date my wife is Marc Beier... This for several obvious reasons Let's try to stay on topic Kenny, before Christian Flank3r bans us both...
  8. If I can date your sister, I'm in for a bit of social work with overclocking legend Massman
  9. I think 6400-6500 01-03 Bauke, 4 cores 6200-6300 , all estimated 6100-6150, but IMC is shite for 2D : 2400ish max 32M... But got 00 at the end yesterday, will see tonite if it's still alive and kicking...
  10. I might join you Chris 00 post code here
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