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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. Competiiton stage specifies 8GB maximum of Video ram... I think you are just above
  2. We will exclude this CPU family ID so it is picked up as retail... will be fixed soon...
  3. We are still looking for a suitable feasible solution for all new 40 series cards till now this is the current opinion by UL: "I'd still suggest for now that we just start requiring ECC for competitive OC and not care that without it you would get higher FPS"
  4. lo sir, plz check out the standard verification rules for eg the TimeSpy benchmark at 3DMARK - TIME SPY (GPU) (hwbot.org) All 2D scores require CPUZ tabs for CPU and memory. For Country Cup we also require the CPUZ motherboard tab. For 3D scores you also need to open GPUZ Your TimeSpy score was incomplete in verification, so there's no ranking to spot
  5. I'm not even sure forcing ECC will solve it: - UL so far still validates with ECC on or off. - Some cards can't enable ECC It's not entirely up to HWBOT to take a stand here. If the scores are out of bounce with or without ECC, UL should get something working that invalidates the score right after the benchmark... being it via an algorithm or whatever. We can still do manual moderation but it's a bit weird that the scores get validated on the Benchmark's site, but gets removed here...
  6. plz check out the rules and sample screenshot for this benchmark: https://hwbot.org/rules?referenceId=5179
  7. We clean up, sorry if that bothers you... Again it was checked by two moderators, one cpuz was missing, no way to correct this. I could understand if it was just deleted without any stated reason eg If a verification link is missing we give you time to edit it. However if we need to go through each properly moderated sub eg 48 hours later we are running behind the facts...
  8. We are not touching that till TIm has found the reason why Team and Country Cup don't get points.
  9. Top 15 Best Global and 30 Best Hardware Benchmark results 2022 fixed
  10. Moderator Saltycroissant flagged it, I get these reports in and indeed it was missing a CPUZ memory tab, so I deleted it....
  11. Plz use the official Country Cup wallpaper: https://i.postimg.cc/MK6Tg345/HWBOT-Country-Cup2.jpg
  12. My profile, all your scores are listed there... But in this case it already got deleted
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