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Everything posted by filmbot

  1. Looks like Computex is the top spot this year since most of the gear is being provided. Not sure about the other stops but being responsible for some of that stuff was pretty cumbersome at Montreal. Ideally all stops could be handled like this in the future. Regardless, good luck to all competing, excited to check out some of the action on the stream!
  2. Looking for a higher end, good clocking Z77 motherboard. Asrock, Gigabyte, Asus, MSI etc. Only looking for board, don't need accessories, IO panel or anything. Shipping would be to USA so international shipping isn't ideal but if I'm interested enough, we can work something out
  3. filmbot

    reporting subs

    I wanted to let you know that I'm reporting this post and rating it. Would you like me to PM you this as well? :celebration:
  4. filmbot


    Exact thing happened on mine. Just took it as one of the smaller problems that could have happened especially considering what we are seeing now.
  5. Thanks for the heads up :celebration: Hopefully everything will go smoothly. Also, sorry guys for the OT in this thread. Meant to post in the other one
  6. Anyone who has flown with hardware before have tips on what to bring or what to expect? Planning on packing my bag with all the hardware and cooling I can fit but only flown once lifetime and that wasn't with hardware so looking to see if I'll have any issues through security and the like.
  7. Welcome from a fellow Ohioan! :celebration:
  8. Thanks for the update! Was looking around for something similar for the last week or so to try to prep.
  9. Not sure how appropriate this is for a non-FS thread, but anyone looking to potentially sell VGAs or DI/LN2 pots that will be here, shoot me a PM.
  10. filmbot

    Various MSI GPU

    Hurts to see 680 price with block after what I just paid for one no block Good luck with sale, which you weren't across the pond or I'd jump on a few of these cards.
  11. filmbot


    Not bad. My screws were also different colors (green vs pink) and had a rivet sheared off during shipping. Small issues but be glad that you finally got one
  12. filmbot


    Somewhat OT but anyone know who may be selling accessories for the bench tables? I see PPCS is out of stock of a lot and imagine things as HDD brackets don't need to be shipped from Dimastech warehouse
  13. filmbot


    Did you order direct or via PPCS (or other vendor)? It took a little time for mine but just a couple emails via their website and I got it without issue. I ordered mine riiiiight before all this was coming out. I would like to think they really are trying but think the upfront capital needed for some of these phase units is too much to handle for them right now. The benchtables and other accessories shouldn't be as much of a burden. Make sure to keep us updated.
  14. You guys HAVE to tell me where to grab some poutine
  15. Wasn't playing with XTU, just talking in general. This worked perfectly, thanks :ws:
  16. Anyone give me some help on getting TurboV installed on W7x64. Everything installs fine and install the MEI driver provided here but when I launch TurboV, says to install MEI from mobo CD. Would like to not to have to restart every time to make some small voltage adjustment.
  17. I'm open for both but would prefer September.
  18. Nice find! Shipping directly from Amazon is listed as temporarily out of stock as expected but others look to be able to ship from international (from US) taking about a week.
  19. I appreciate how availability has been asked numerous times in this thread and @hiepgia was the only one to even address it.
  20. Looking to book everything today. Any update on sharing the hostel or should I go ahead and book a room? EDIT: Nevermind just went ahead booked flight, room and bought ticket. So I'm confirmed and looking forward to finally meeting some of you!
  21. filmbot

    SS, Pots and dewar

    Thanks for doing this. Was battling with buying this or adding to my car down payment. Excited to see it in action! :celebration:
  22. Perfect! Thank you so much for posting up the itinerary as well :nana: I'll update the thread once I get everything together.
  23. Where, assuming in the States, did you get to put in a pre/back-order?
  24. GSkill RipjawsX 2133 9-10-9 1.65v DDR3 (PSC) SOLD to Reefa_Madness at [H]
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