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Everything posted by 1BadMoJoe

  1. Good to see you here competing, glad to be with you in the competition.
  2. Oh, and this failure to install Intel OpenCL to intall
  3. I have downloaded GPUPI 3.3.3 ; After successfully completing the horrendous program troubleshooting the bizarre setup requirements, to even get it to work. Within the GPUPI program, upper menu of tabs, [Submit] > To HWBOT, Save result file, and Validate result file appear to be broken like a "Bethesda" product full of bugs. Jab, Jab Matt ( You are doing fine Matt, don't take it personal, just ill timed humor). Any idea how to complete the score validation process? X58 Chipset , Asus Rampage II Gene , Zeon X5680 CPU ; Windows 10
  4. Ok, I have a X5680, I will now have to beat you...for the life of me I just seem to not be able to do better than 113.799 sec. Phenomenal , decimal point.
  5. Maximum GPU under clock locked at 300MHz gpu and 300MHz memory with a whopper of a score , something fishy in Denmark!
  6. So Aquamark is a CPU test? no amount of LOD changes, Speed increases to GPU clock and video memory nets Zero Difference to score generated? 1495MHz GPU clock 2250MHz Memory for a RX 580 is an instant crash in any other benchmark beyond 2105MHz memory setting? If only I can use these video card Maximum clock settings in all the other video benchmarks without crashing...life would be good with a Golden GPU lottery. Starting to feel like multiple car low runs for that magical score bump, hehe.
  7. The png is 478 kb , I will look at the jpg size on the next saves. I enabled systeminfo and it failed on submit button, I went back into the systeinfo file to disable it again. I seem to retry at a fail to replicate another fail to learn the hard way for the sake for my insanity to expect a different result Might be nice to have "prepopulate fields by previous submission" integrated or... many people might only fill the two basic requirements of CPU and graphics card and skip all the tedious work to fill all the populated fields.
  8. Thank you Leeghoofd, second run through aquabot posted with success
  9. WTF is the problem with aquamark this time, odd the client version is 2.55.110, that the 298327 submission benchmark score is coming from?
  10. Is any further development going to address this long standing issue...This was mentioned by many six years ago, the excuse then if I remember correctly was the coders will need to work on it... "prepopulate fields by previous submission", rather than manually input a tedious amount of dribble into the required fields?
  11. This must get old to be asked the same question...Aquamark is not working! Perhaps the solution is to clearly state how to fix and find the problem... by default the installer has systeminfo on by default, that the current run around solution is unclear in how to turn it off. click on and run the file associated with the systeminfo
  12. The core aquamark exe works fine from where it has been placed due to wrapper development, clicking on the aquamark exe file within the benchmark folder like days of old before the wrapper. Now clicking on the new shortcut placed on the desktop by the wrapper aquamark fails to launch?
  13. Country Cup 2019 Sky Diver submission is based on the GPU score of 69,932 not the overall score given by 3Dmark 43,271. You are doing great, keep it up. This is the correct score outside of Country Cup 2019 43,271
  14. Ok thank you for the update. Now it makes since in the minor adjustment to the Country Cup 2019 skydiver score submission I am observing. That my paltry score outside of the competition is not registering into the hardware Master/Global categories as expected.
  15. Thank you for the reply, hearing that the graphics score was to be used, created a bit of panic on all my history of potential under scores of the past... I went to the rules to read that it states the benchmark score provided by the benchmark is the overall score. Not the graphics only score as suggested, reviewing the video tutorial also uses the overall benchmark score and not the bigger graphics score as suggested to used. yet my initial problem still is "1BadMoJoe has chosen to disable all rankings for his/her submissions", when in fact I have not disabled Ranking Position and my submission scores within the Country Cup 2019 and the scores are not being counted.
  16. Can someone point out what I am doing wrong, I highlighted the "1BadMoJoe has chosen to disable all rankings for his/her submissions", in the Ranking Position screen shot. This also happen for the last score submission, I do not remember disabling anything.
  17. I attempted to submit to stage 13 sky diver, it placed me out of competition into normal submit score mode. Does this have to do with anything about valid 3dmark link? By chance if it does, 3dmark to link hwbot credentials is giving back a failed username and/or password error. Username 1BadMoJoe ... ok password ... I may have forgotten it because it appears not to be correct, as linking 3dmark and hwbot credentials fail? Thanks Now It Works To link 3dmark and hwbot I do have another problem though to "prepopulate fields by previous submission" error only within the competition.
  18. Irresponsible members - like yourself ( and unfortunately there are A LOT ) on the fast track. We have come to a point where ignorance, of the problems here within hwbot.org with the irresponsibility to do anything about them and extremely little thinking to do even the simple minded maintenance tasks. is the real shame here. How many broken links are there, for the score able benchmark software, in the download section?
  19. Great, only have elite over clockers and get rid of all the other categories. No more hardware masters, dump the enthusiasts, get rid of the apprentices, and the extreme groups; problem solved for the Benchmate implementation. The broken link was to some other German website, listed somewhere in the latest competition, found the source https://benchmate.org/
  20. SHPM2280p2 wise choice, plan on stiffing the cap mods? thumbs up
  21. Nice, all the cores really chew down the times
  22. Nice, all the cores really chew down the times
  23. Hello zupernico, I help translate spanish to english...Ayudo a traducir Español al Inglés y Inglés al Español...Я помогаю переводить испанского на английский Ну, видите, если вы знаете что-нибудь об этой проблеме или которые могут возникнуть, но только потому, что первое, что я сделаю это переформатировать на всякий случай, так как у меня почти ничего в этом хр. Для случая, что я недавно установил XP на Gigabyte Z77 up5 TH, так хорошо, и совершенный bencheando. Но я думал, установки XP на рожон IV Extreme и 3930k, установить его вчера, так что хороший первый тест я дам хорошие оценки, чтобы GPUZ, CPUZ и .... PUM!, Чтобы дать непосредственно GPUZ Casca и перезагрузите компьютер, я думал, что это нечетные ФФУ, я начинаю снова и передать его CPUZ Wham! их и то же, просто попробуйте несколько раз, я не могу удалить, когда я дал, что desistalador сил, заблокирован, введите тестовом режиме и вернулся к установке desistale же. То, что я был установить старую 1,57 и я, но я узнал платы или памяти, которая необходима для HWBOT, поэтому я попытался первая в соответствии с Официальный сайт RIVE GPUZ признает и пуф PETA, если я загружаю режиме тест, если я могу начать CPUZ в версии cuaqluier, но получаю сообщение об ошибке при запуске и больше не дает мне все данные, я думаю, это ошибка вызывает сбой компьютера в обычном режиме XP 32 бит. Я искал через Google, но ничего не говорит и меньше, я понимаю, что 2011 год с платформой XP не самая обычная, но ясно, benchear ...... Pues a ver si sabeis algo de este problema o de que puede venir,pero sino pues lo primero que voy a hacer es formatear de nuevo por si a caso, ya que tengo nada casi en este xp. Pues el caso que hace poco he instalado xp, en una gigabyte z77 up5 TH, todo bien, bencheando y perfecto. Pero pense en instalar xp en la rampage iv extreme y el 3930k, pues instale ayer, todo bien hago el primer test buena puntuación voy a dar a gpuz , cpuz y .... PUM!!, al darle a gpuz casca y directamente se reinicia el pc, pense uff que raro, arranco de nuevo y le doy al cpuz zas!! bloqueado e igual, lo intente varias veces igual, no podia ni desinstalar cuando le daba al desistalador zas, bloqueado, entre en modo de pruebas lo desistale y volvi a instalar igual. Lo que hice fue instalar una antigua 1.57 y me va pero no me reconoce placa ni memoria, cosa que es necesaria para hwbot, asi que probe la primera que segun la pagina oficial de gpuz reconoce la RIVE y zas peta, si lo arranco en modo de pruebas si puedo arrancar el cpuz en cuaqluier version, pero al arrancar sale un error y ya no me da todos los datos, supongo que este error es el que hace que el pc se bloquee en modo normal de xp 32 bits. He estado mirando por google, pero dice nada y menos, entiendo que una plataforma 2011 con xp no es lo mas usual, pero claro para benchear...... My limited understanding of spanish translation...Mi comprensión limitada de la traducción española Well, see if you know anything about this problem or that may come, but only because the first thing I will do is reformat just in case, as I have almost nothing in this xp. For the case that I recently installed xp on a gigabyte Z77 up5 TH, so good, and perfect bencheando. But I thought of installing XP on the rampage iv extreme and 3930k, install it yesterday, so good the first test I'll give good score to GPUZ, cpuz and .... PUM!, To give directly GPUZ casca and restart the pc, I thought it odd uff, I start again and give it to cpuz wham! blocked and the same, just try it several times, I could not uninstall when I gave that desistalador forces, locked, enter the test mode and went back to install desistale same. What I did was install an old 1.57 and I will but I recognized board or memory, which is necessary for hwbot, so I tried the first one according to the official website for RIVE GPUZ recognizes and poof peta, if I boot mode test if I can start the cpuz in cuaqluier version, but get an error at startup and no longer gives me all the data, I guess this error is causing the PC to crash in normal mode xp 32 bits. I've been looking through google, but says nothing and less, I understand that a 2011 with xp platform is not the most usual, but clear to benchear ...... I understand that you are using an old version of Cpu-z 1.57? If this is correct Cpu-z requires the newest version to validate 1.63, I provided a link http://www.cpuid.com/softwares/cpu-z.html'>http://www.cpuid.com/softwares/cpu-z.html'>http://www.cpuid.com/softwares/cpu-z.html'>http://www.cpuid.com/softwares/cpu-z.html'>http://www.cpuid.com/softwares/cpu-z.html http://www.cpuid.com/softwares/cpu-z.html Gpu-z 0.6.7 link here > http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/SysInfo/GPU-Z/'>http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/SysInfo/GPU-Z/'>http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/SysInfo/GPU-Z/'>http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/SysInfo/GPU-Z/'>http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/SysInfo/GPU-Z/ http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/SysInfo/GPU-Z/ Keep these links as newer hardware are added to the programs and Cpu-z only validates with the newest version. Entiendo que usted está usando una versión antigua de CPU-Z 1.57? Si esto es correcto Cpu-z requiere la última versión de validar 1,63, me proporcionó un link http://www.cpuid. com / software / cpu z.html-[/ URL] http://www.cpuid.com/softwares/cpu-z.html GPU-Z 0.6.7 enlace aquí> http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/SysInfo/GPU-Z/ Sigue estos enlaces como un hardware más nuevo se añaden a los programas y Cpu-z sólo valida con la versión más reciente. Я понимаю, что вы используете старую версию CPU-Z 1,57? Если это так CPU-Z требует последней версии для подтверждения 1,63, я дал ссылку http://www.cpuid.com/softwares/cpu-z.html http://www.cpuid.com/softwares/cpu- z.html GPU-Z 0.6.7 ссылке здесь> http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/SysInfo/GPU-Z/ http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/SysInfo/GPU-Z/ Храните эти ссылки, как новые аппаратные средства добавляются к программам и CPU-Z подтверждает только с новейшей версией.
  24. No clue what this means, tryied to enter a new submission and this popped up. Tryied to reenter submission same thing, no biggie submission is last place in its feild and a test for being gone for about two years.
  25. Nice lantancy
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