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Everything posted by Achill3uS

  1. one more bump for 450 eur shipped
  2. maybe its just me but, you dont have to upload validation under your name? i think "Submitted by test" should not be acceptable for hwbot. nice result tough.
  3. bump
  4. sorry guys it seems i cannot manage to go. my car broke down last week and need a lot more $ to fix it than i expected so all my saved money to this trip is gone. if someone is able to jump in to my place, be my guest. the accomodation is already paid, feel free to ask Albrecht. have fun! cheers bala
  5. bump
  6. bump!
  7. sorry man, i was not so much into air or liquid cooled testing, basically i use this cpu just for ln2. no idea about 5GHz XTU, hwbotrpime needs around 1.4~1.45vcore.
  8. bump
  9. bump 500 EUR shipped within EU as really a final price!
  10. bump
  11. Michal dont think about it... take it
  12. love it bro... real benching style!
  13. nice one keep pushing johni! toljad neki
  14. bump
  15. bump
  16. bump
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