The link you posted is for version and it is the one I've donwloaded and installed.
I've unistalled/cleaned registry/re-installed several times but no way to get the benchmarking menu...
Do we have to do something special to be able to benchmark with XTU?
I've tried 3 different verson of XTU and no way I get the Benchmarking menu...
It depends on your VRM (We had 3 VGA, 3 different VRM) and how you cool it. With an awesome home made heastsink on vrm we managed to run at least 4h with 1.43v without any issue
You did not understood my point (or just don't want to). No matter... your reputation is well deserved. Now let's stop this. Rules are rules, and your behaviour fits the rules so let's say it's ok
See you in Moscow Ryba