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Everything posted by Matt26LFC

  1. 5970 Sold elsewhere, so now only 5850 and 2 4870X2's are available now New price of £95 shipped for all 3
  2. Bump - £115 all in
  3. Last bump, then I'll list individual prices
  4. Bump
  5. Bump
  6. Bump
  7. Nice run! Shall be giving this a bash when I get ln2 for my 9900K :)
  8. Bump and new price £125 shipped
  9. I have one without Extension if you have no luck finding one with extension. Comes with original box and accessories
  10. Sweet! Shall look forward to seeing your results if you go for it! I tried older GPUs first, 7870 was my first on cold (dice though) had 6870 & 6970 on Ln2. Thinking of trying a 1080 Ti KP on cold, not sure yet though, I have two and two Tek9s so never know
  11. Bump
  12. Bump
  13. I plan to however it'll be with 7000 Series cards as I don't have both my 5970s anymore
  14. Yes they are
  15. Edited original post, will add pics soon Pics have now been added
  16. Nice work! Been fun watching you and Matty50 going for it with this legendary series of GPU Will have to have a go with dice soon too on my 7970L
  17. Nice work! Might want to sort out your screenshot though ;)
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