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Everything posted by Matt26LFC

  1. Bump and price drop
  2. Yes mate, got it down to full pot this afternoon, haven't quite managed 6.6G yet though, hopefully with another attempt I'll get there
  3. Looks like a nice clicking chip, do you still have it? Interested in the batch number
  4. Bump
  5. Matt26LFC

    CPU/GPU Pot

    Maybe check out the BartX honeycomb pot
  6. Bump - Price drop
  7. Cheers matey! Was fun playing with FX, shall be playing more in the future
  8. Nice work bro! Could do with something colder on that CPU and what your score take right off ;P
  9. Bump
  10. Cheers fellas, was fun playing with FX! Will be doing more of this, think I may be able to get more as I'm still learning the platform. Though it does eat the Ln2 lol Also have an 8120 to have a go with, which was stronger than this one on ambient.
  11. Hi all, I've decided to part with both my Golden 8700K and 9900K as per the title. First the 8700K This chip has been delid (obviously) and was used in all my Ln2 submissions, I'll link a couple here just to give you an idea. All other Ln2 subs where made with this chip Glue was never removed from PCB and IHS was never lapped nor did I get to use the BartX copper IHS I bought for it. So who knows, I always felt there might be more in this chip https://hwbot.org/submission/3923789_matt26lfc_cinebench___r15_core_i7_8700k_2335_cb https://hwbot.org/submission/3941241_matt26lfc_wprime___1024m_core_i7_8700k_1min_0sec_918ms https://hwbot.org/submission/3941245_matt26lfc_geekbench3___multi_core_core_i7_8700k_42411_points Price £550 £530 £500 (Shipping not included buyer covers fee's or paypal gift) Second the 9900K Chip was never delid, could possibly use lapping as IHS is now a bit scuffed due to mounting and unmounting pot. However this is also one of the best 9900Ks out there. Again I'll link some scores made with Ln2 on this chip. Again I've not been able to revisit this chip and feel some scores could also be improved upon. https://hwbot.org/submission/4256385_matt26lfc_cinebench___r15_core_i9_9900k_3078_cb (had a better score than this however didn't screen it) https://hwbot.org/submission/4168726_matt26lfc_gpupi_for_cpu___1b_core_i9_9900k_1min_47sec_375ms https://hwbot.org/submission/4256382_matt26lfc_hwbot_x265_benchmark___4k_core_i9_9900k_24.559_fps Price £750 £730 £700 (Shipping not included buyer covers fee's or paypal gift) Both chips on water will do 5.4Ghz with about 1.35v on my Apex X
  12. Matt26LFC


    Thanks, looking forward to playing with this one
  13. Any results on the 8150?
  14. Nice one! Looking at scores not sure why I didn't do dice in this one ?
  15. Matt26LFC


    I have an undelid 7350K that does R15 5G at about 1.31v set in uefi on Apex IX
  16. Nice one! I see I'll have to break out the 6870 again and go cold with my 9900K :)
  17. Great work as always! Weird screenshot though
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