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Everything posted by Matt26LFC

  1. Still looking? I have Z97 OC Formula I could be tempted to part with
  2. Yeah I tried mounting one of my Tek9's but there is indeed a cap in the way
  3. It could be because your top 60 hardware slots where already filled before you started subbing your 1060 results. Therefore only 1060 results that scored more hardware points will make it into your top 60 and they'll supplant a slot currently occupied. So for example let's say you scored 21hardware points for a run on your 1060 and in your 60th place slot was a score that got 20 hardware points your new 21points run will replace it. However it'll only add 1 point to your overall total because its only 1 point more than the score it replaced Hope that helps give you a better idea of what's going on. Once you have all 60 hardware points slots filled it becomes harder to add to your overall total, so you need to become more picky about what cards, cpus you bench or improve your cooling so you can run faster score higher and gain more points Same basically goes for Global points too
  4. No didn't go that high, I tried 1.9v but was worried as I wasn't very cold. Going to try again shortly, but have very little Ln2 left now, perhaps 5L
  5. Pulled out, avaliable again
  6. Is the board still available?
  7. Bump, price drop to £100 shipped UK, £110 shipped europe
  8. Haha Yeah I get like that too ;) I've a couple of 1080Ti KPs, hoping to take them cold at some point, may give dice a shot first on them. How high are you finding they clock? 2300Mhz+?
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