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Everything posted by unityofsaints

  1. The difference being that I paid 9.99$ for Geekbench 5 but 6 is 99$! I know there's inflation but this is insane pricing from Primatelabs ?
  2. Just saw Geekbench 6 is listed as a beta benchmark so benched it on my laptop out of curiousity. There is no longer a cheap license for 9.95$ or whatever, just the Pro version for 99$. I ran without a license, it's no longer limited to 32-bit like previous versions so that's good but it doesn't have a benchmark window pop up with the results of the score at the end of the run anymore, just the website. How would the rules work for this? It would mean the rig needs to be online to get a score. Also saving of results files doesn't seem to be supported.
  3. Three card combos competing for 01 dual first place, what a time to be alive
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