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Posts posted by suzuki

  1. i didn't figure it out, will try later when i get home.

    Bottom line is xmp doesn't do jack on several ram modules,it's like it sets only freq but forgets about voltages and timings etc(on x16 and x20b bioses).

    I cannot figure out how to set timings for both modules in the same time,not to go to each slot and put all the timings again.

    When there is something which the board doesn;t like ,even the  clr cmos has a hard time to get you back in bios.

    How is it possible they don;t have even a profile for bdie or spi32m or whatever, like the other producers ? Like they remained in skt 775 era with the bios options :D

  2. 51 minutes ago, Leeghoofd said:

    Dark has the XP ACPI support advantage... awesome for older legacy stuff, think Luumi proved already its quite a strong board... 

    Maybe that cpu shines even on older boards,we will never know.

    Vrm can play an important role in freq and stability,not to mention that evga killed cpu’s in the past with the spikes in voltage untill they released proper bios.

    Training ram,proper rtls and tertiary,max freq with same latencies i would like to see.

    The best way are to be compared under ln2 and after ,if there is time, a short test on ambient :).

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