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Everything posted by suzuki

  1. Too bad you sold all your good kits .
  2. suzuki

    [EU] i3 4370

    Still looking for one. Pm with offer if you have.
  3. Me too ,3 times in 6 days.
  4. I received ,untill now ,3 times emails with the winned challenges,in only 5 days. Is this a bug ?
  5. 2666 cl 8-11-7 twcl 6 trrd 4 with what voltage ?
  6. Epic battle vs 9800 gtx + won by gts 250.
  7. 2500 cl 9 maybe ? Never heard of 2500 cl8...
  8. Disable points for subzero submissions seems to be the best idea. You still keep your rank in there and see your result compared with others,if you need points for that submission you should consider changing league.
  9. What ? Sorry to hear that ... Lately many good people quit benching,this is sad.
  10. This thread comes in a perfect timing,i have to receive my z97 Soc Force board this week,hopefully. A small suggestion,put Asrock Timing Configurator instead of mem tweakit ,it's more easy to look for latencies . Thanks for sharing and keep them coming,including tips on how to achieve those frequencies on psc & samsung.
  11. How it works on air btw ? on Ln2 is crazy chip,congrats for results.
  12. hohoho.....Merry CHRISTMAS ! and a few 3dmark2001 records .
  13. C'mon guys,why is it still here this kit ? It's every enthusiast dream to have a cpu and mobo like that,BUY IT now. Free bump for awesome guy,i payed in advance twice ,more than 500 euro each time and he was honest and correct.
  14. Nice efficiency considering the cooling .
  15. Congrats Aussie' and others who participated.France was a real delight for us,especially in the spi32m stage,i am sorry that i couldn't do more for my country this year, i broke my cpu exactly 1 month before competition start,it would've been helpfull for the ice storm stage. I like this kind of competitions,which involve a lot of people and team spirit,i only wish in the future to be more fun and less sandbaging. It's a competition that last's 2 months you shoudn't submit only in the last days. Nevertheless to the competition organizers - please don't make the same mistake to next CC ,like you did this year,having the same benchmark in 3 stages. In rest i have nothing to object,crongrats.
  16. We planned to submit recalculation on results on more than 30 users,hopefully people won't be able to submit in that period of time ).
  17. Honestly now,from all the benchmarks we have, was it necessary to make 3 stages from the same benchmark ? It feels like benching catzilla 570 p,720p,1080 p or whatever resolutions they have,maybe next CC will be like this. Spi32m was the only one important,and worthy of a Country Cup and maybe Ice storm,because it had special requirements. Xtu a stupid benchmark,limited on a few generations of cpu and only intel ,FSU and sky diver,c'mon ???
  18. I'm sure with 5 minutes before ending you will have everything in order,you always do .. so no stress at all.
  19. suzuki

    [EU] i3 4370

  20. Indonesian time results,5 minutes before ending,precise like a swiss clock. Or you can say like this : "When Indonesia will post results you can count till 5 and you know the competition is over " ).
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