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Everything posted by suzuki

  1. suzuki

    [EU] i3 4370

    I need one of these,it's obvious for what . Offers via pm,include also shipping price in sunny Cyprus,Limassol .
  2. Great runs guys,congrats to everyone. Too bad this stage was restricted ,the others should've been allowed to participate if they respect the limitations.
  3. I've edited after,thanks strategos. Is it just me or this benchmark is one of the shittiest ever ? Random results,better vga frequency does not necesarily means better results,and if you make 5 different runs at the same settings ,everytime you will get different results .
  4. I tested one kit of psc and it's spi32m stable at 6-8-6-18 pl 6 up to 2060 on rex,on air 1.8v. But from 7 kits of psc only one is compatible in this way.
  5. 358.578 - Suzuki- Core i5 4670K@5000.59 MHz- ASRock Z87 OC Formula ,DDR3 2870 9-12-12-14 1T // All air.
  6. Why you ask someone who broke a record to do it again...it's impolite ). Leave him be,with his "record".
  7. you got pm
  8. And i thought i have a lot ,damn. You should make a list with everything in there,to present it in a man-cave thread ).
  9. Thanks for the reply ,although i'm not familiar with these 3300@1650 models. I have a Hc300A which seems pretty big,i was wondering maybe you had time to compare them and see what differences are in load. If you want,can you go into details ,how you modded them ?
  10. nedernakker - never tested on ln2,just some quick tests on single stage made for me by a friend. on air it's not the greatest cpu ,5 ghz@1.35 but it scales amazingly as you can see in the screenshot. Bullshooter - it is the last price because in Cyprus this cpu costs 389 euro from the biggest store on this island,it has warranty on my name. I want to sell it because maybe someone will be lucky with it,seems to have potential. If it's not going with this price i prefer to rma it,or burn and take my money from the store,so bassically i don't loose anything and not asking for anything extra cause paypal fees are ~14 euro plus 6.50 euro shipping it's exactly the value in the store. http://www.eshopcy.com.cy/product?id=PER.558478
  11. I have more than 12 pc configurations but i don't need one for daily use. For this i have my phone/tablet/laptop ,i don't need a pc. The only time when i start the pc is when i make oc and then i have legacy os on 10 hdd,it doesn't affect me at all. You cannot compare the passion for oc-ing with the one for gaming,they are different things for different kind of people. The real thing is,both gamers and overclockers are waisting time doing these activities ,you cannot say one is better than the other ,both are bad but they make you feel good.
  12. Rebench this test with different java or os,clearly you are doing something wrong. you should be more than 6300... http://hwbot.org/image/1294792.jpg Congrats for first place in Enthusiast.
  13. i know,but the cpu doesn't work the same and that difference can come also from driver use or even LOD,it\s not necesarrily from windows. Thanks for info,you had great runs with those 4870,i have to put mine to use as well. I have to improve my 2001 also,130 k it's doable.
  14. he has more than 1 month in rankings,but i cannot see any submissions from him. Why he was banned ?
  15. Great run but don't forget, next time ,to open details subtest on 3dmark to be valid .
  16. Bud,can you put a screen on this sub,to see what hardware you used and frequencies ? With my cpu at 4820 and ram at 2870 super tight 9-12-12-16-1t twcl 6 ttrd 5 i'm still far away from you.
  17. great efficiency,can you tell what java you used ?
  18. can someone put this in the right category,please ? Thanks.
  19. Why it would be unfair as long as you receive no points from it ? If you want to try using subzero cooling a couple of times,you should be allowed to post the results,if in here you can't than where else ? And if you are not planning to stay long on that type of cooling(subzero) why to go to another league ? Is the same like the fact that some users from extreme oc league have the courtesy to disable points when they bench with Es samples. It seems fair and respectful. LE : and vice versa ,if someone from extreme oc league wants to join enthusiast,in my opinion it is enough ,for him ,to disable the points from submissions made on subzero cooling. It's no point for him in deleting that account,or destroying his legacy by deleting those subs.
  20. Or you can make submission on extreme but disable the points and like this you will still be in novice.
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