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Everything posted by suzuki

  1. FSb 620 boot on air on rampage extreme (1202) CPU Voltage [1.38] Load-Line Calibration [Disabled] CPU PLL Voltage [1.68] FSB Termination Voltage [1.44-1.55] CPU GTLVref(0) [+10mv] CPU GTLVref(1) [Auto] CPU GTLVref(2) [+10 mv] CPU GTLVref(3) [Auto] NB GTLVref [+37] North Bridge Voltage [1.67] DRAM Voltage [1.65] NB DDRVref [+25] DDR3 Channel A Vref [Auto] DDR3 Channel B Vref [Auto] South Bridge 1.5 Voltage [1.55] South Bridge 1.05 Voltage [1.07] Ai Clock Twister [Lighter] Ai Transaction Booster [13] Maybe it will help you,in my opinion your nbb voltage is way to high and pll too low.
  2. if you accept me competing with a 4670k at 4500 mhz and 9600 gt ddr3 512 mb,it will be my pleasure . I don't own a 9500 gt and my cpu is crap .
  3. http://www.foxconnchannel.com/driverdownload/Motherboard/Utilities/AEGIS%20PANEL/AEGIS%20PANEL-
  4. Official answer form Dmitry Ponomarenko( patent owner) "FC connector was made only to increase the size of the prototype. For the sake of clarity. The size of the transistor depends on the creation of the source beam. Currently up to 1 nm. More size depends on the length of the processor. If the processor has the size of 1 square meter, it is necessary to have the beam size, so that will come without losses from the beginning to the end of the processor. If the processor is 1 square centimeter, then 1 nm transistor will be enough. About synchronization. Tests have shown that does not require precise timing, as recorded in the patent. In reality, you can do a very rough adjustment. This topic requires a separate patenting the availability of funds. Unfortunately there is no possibility in the framework of this forum to explain the uselessness of fine-tuning - this know-how still unprotected(nda and patent release). Briefly about synchronization. This is similar to the calibration of quantum qubits. But the difference is that after calibration, optical transistor outputs only the correct results, but not a mixture of right and wrong, as in the theory of qubits."
  5. ,no matter what card you use,you will improve your efficiency. I hope the others in the challenge will post soon,not only sandbagging . For the rest,it's still time to join,with any of these 4 cards(gtx260/gtx275/gtx280/gtx285) you can win the challenge.
  6. Unless it's stable for 36 hours of prime with avx ...it's no good. Keep on pushing the brains out of that cpu,you're on the right path.
  7. shitake mushrooms ) !!! Great cpu,low volt and nice bclk ! How well does it manage on air/water ? the temps shown in the validation are real (-1 degree) ?
  8. so tempted to grab this ...damn ! 5.1 and 5.2 ghz on what voltages does it work ? Does it have delid ? How much will be the shipment in Cyprus ,Limassol,postal code 4005 ?
  9. He he,the first complex post . I will get back to you with details,if i'm allowed to do so. Some of the things can be spoken of in here,but the important stuff off how the device is working and investment or others things related,will need to be discussed in a meeting with a signed NDA form upfront.
  10. Yes,unfortunately it needs some serious funding for the first samples but after that the production cost will be less than a lga2011 hexacore.
  11. Fixed frequency challenges, like this one ,are a great way for improving efficiency . You have nothing to lose,only important things to gain . For those who are watching this challenge i can say only 1 thing,be brave and enter !
  12. Give me details for single stage over pm.
  13. The fact that there is a roadmap it's the true problem. If you understand this, then you will see that i am right.
  14. I've just stated a true fact.In this period of time(14 years) the progress was relatively normal but it will reach an end. The fact that they are postponing(covering) that end through different marketing tactics(giving to the crowd performance step by step) doesn't have any relevance with the fact that this technology is compromised for future major advancement. What we are proposing with this project i'ts a huge step.To compare a optical cpu with a nowadays processor will be the same as comparing a cow with an airplane on a marathon race.
  15. I cannot on kickstarters,you have to be from Canada/Uk or U.S.A. to be able to put a project on that site. Quirky it's not a viable option,and IndieGOGO i have to study their conditions. I've posted in here because there are a lot of smart people with different connections,maybe somebody will guide this thread in the good direction. Every post of you people ,will matter,as long as this thread is up there are more chances for things to happen(tiny ones,but better than none).
  16. Modem and videocards can be done with similar process.The nowadays technology it's reaching it's limits(as fabrication process). Imagine you have almost 0 heat and equivalent of 25 mil GHZ on one cpu.I don't know if their gonna be consumer products,but there are many domains which can use such a computing power. It will be the first step for great things. Patent : http://www.google.com/patents/US20050211881
  17. Usually when i do overclock i don't want anyone near me,because i might slap them or pick up a fight for no "reasonable" reason . Staying 8-12 hours for a run of 3dmark2001 it's difficult to explain to a non-ocer,it's better if you slap them for asking you the wrong questions ),you save more time then giving explanations . Ex: Q-did you manage to do "something"... R-yeah,a big pain in the ass from all that sitting .
  18. another one on the "dark side" with true on vga . Disable 2c and run again,maybe you will have a small bump in frequency.
  19. nice cpu you have there.Congrats for result!
  20. Can you be more specific ? Besides the datasheet,there is also a patent and a working prototype of a optical calculator(it appears in the pictures from the presentation). All we need are funds and the "real" processor will appear.Everything it is in the patent can be explained and demonstrated.
  21. I'm currently working with a team of scientist which have on their agenda a project that involves renouncing at semiconductors in favor of optical gates in order to improve different parts of a pc and not only. I am posting over here because it's one of the most known forums(sites) and maybe this project will see the light of day with your help by promoting it. I've attached a short presentation of this project,have a look and write down your opinions about it in this thread.
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