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Everything posted by I.M.O.G.

  1. 555 and similar isn't competitive for dual core top ranks. It could put up the score with these tweaks, but it could be easily beaten by a better dual core with these tweaks.
  2. Depends on taste. In my opinion, sempron 150 is the best single core, and e8600 or similar is the best dual core. Doesn't matter much with the current tweaks. With either chip suggested, there are some drawbacks of running it and other more convenient options, so I would probably choose convenience and run whatever... Only a few people capable or shooting for top scores now, so if you have the tweaks, I would only worry about what hardware you are on if one of the other players tries to go after that particular score.
  3. Less talky, more clocky. If you can beat my score then do it... I'd congratulate you, while I go post something better. That's the fun part. When these scores are worth globals, it will be worth fine tuning the score... LN2 benching isn't like air benching - I don't sit around burning off LN2 to tweak for no benefit in points. I know the same legal UCBench efficiency tweaks you do... When they are worth applying, I'll apply them. The frequency scaling point does prove something - at a given frequency, you can look at valid submissions and tweaks and determine what is in a valid range and what is out to lunch. Same with sp, wprime, and pifast... This isn't like pcm05.
  4. Yes. With the screenshot and online submission requirement, it seems relatively easy to police. In order for that submission to be mistaken for legit, one of two things would need to happen: hwbot staff would need to go full retard, or you'd need to do really good work on doctoring the screenshot and make a submission that is properly scaled for the frequency you are running at. UCBench scores scale very directly with cpu freq, so scores pretty much have to be in tune with the frequency, or hocus pocus is going on.
  5. I.M.O.G.

    The Rage

    @k404: My first MVG did that... I spent a lot of time testing for stability, to find after A LOT of trouble that I was wasting my time. Replaced the board and been good since. Yours could be something else, but I spent a month after release wanting to cave my own head in while working with IB.
  6. Interested in finding out how global points are decided to be added. I have personal motivations because I have a good global UCBench score, but that said, once global points were added my score would likely be whipped by many others as the competition level increases.
  7. Awesome, thanks for the updates guys.
  8. Ya thanks. I saw they had been out, but it didn't say when they return. All I have heard is "they are gone" or "its a known bug"... Neither of those answers set any sort of expectation, which is often what stupid users like myself are interested in.
  9. There are a couple current bugs that have been pretty noticeable since computex started. Figured they'll probably be fixed soonish now that computex is over. 1. Team points not calculated/Team rankings not updating 2. Phrases not parsing on user/team pages Are these in the bug tracker and where do I go to view the status? I've seen people bring things up in random areas of the site, but I'm just trying to figure out how to follow the status on these things.
  10. Yup, been buying and selling one chip at a time since the beginning of May. This is my 3rd chip, and its playing much nicer than the previous 2.
  11. To my knowledge, the "wordpad engine" doesn't correlate to any actual component within windows. I haven't looked into getting chervs notes working yet, but these are my guesses for places to look: - Turn off support for the items listed within the OS - Create the appropriate dword values within the right registry keys - Find an obscure 3rd party app to alter these functions (similar to the transparent window tweak app) Dunno, but someone might figure it out. I'm not working on it personally... Maybe I will eventually once the tweaks settle out, if that happens before PCM05 points are disabled. Right now, advancement is too quick to keep up with (subtests jumping by orders of magnitude - audio encoding, 500K TW), and I don't want to spend time figuring out tweaks that will be smashed next week - once I get caught up with a lot of 2d and 3d benches I need to get done, I will probably revisit pcm05 and see where things stand. When I was submitting in Jan/Feb, top globals were within reach with the right hardware and a few tweaks... Much tougher competition now.
  12. Replaced the board, used the same insulation method, and did the same thing to pull temps down... New MVG and same chip as before runs full pot without a problem. So confirmed I just had a bum MVG the first go around. Will be back with chip results.
  13. Write back cache enabled in controller BIOS options when you created your volumes on the card? If you have write thru enabled, perf will be much worse. With 3 or more maxiops, on that controller I got 800+ XP Startup. I think sometimes it was over 1000 by quite a bit. Xp startup would always be huge, on any number of cores - it wasn't sensitive to platform, the way virus can changes depending on number of cores and power. You can pm me if you want to talk settings. There is definitely something wrong with there, but if it isn't write back cache, there are a lot of other config options. Probably something when you created the volumes/array. I have used this exact card and know it well.
  14. Lol! Credit to Sebastian, for saving my mouse arm from repetitive stress injuries. Hopefully the Sebastian mouse tweak can help some others as well.
  15. Yes. Followed all best practices in shaminos m5guide.docx and sins guide, regarding avoiding coldbugs. Ran same settings on both boards... One coldbugged with all three chips, two of those chips were tested in the other mvg and had no coldbugs. The first 3770k I sold for $20 less than I paid for it, because I thought it was a dud... It was probably fine too, just the board. I'd like to take the bugged board out back and put it down, but will probably just sell it to someone who doesn't go cold and buy another/something else. My results were really consistent with temps on all 3 chips coldbugging at the same point within 5C.
  16. Not sure if I posted earlier in this thread... Thought I did. Anyways, just figured out my MVG is coldbugged. Tested 3 chips in it so far. One chip was pretested to have no coldbug in another MVG, but coldbugged in mine around -110. The second chip coldbugged in this board at the same points, but ran full pot in another MVG immediately after that. Third chip also coldbugged in my board, and I resold it without testing in any other board.
  17. lol... if only there were more crocodile dundee memes By the way, since I said something about it getting quiet sharing tweaks, I guess its only fair I help... This is a small one, but has been tested well and proven consistent in my benching and a handful of others. Slam the mouse pointer in the top left corner when TW starts. Ensure the mouse pointer is all the way in the corner, do not move it. Compare that to the rabid mouse tweak - top left has been better every time than mouse movement in my testing. Down with the rabid mouse! [ATTACH]1267[/ATTACH]
  18. Thanks for the reply earlier, and I'm glad to hear you sent it off in style. If only every chip could be given the honor to die so gloriously.
  19. Holy crap, nice score! Was this a new chip or an older chip? Seemed like the earlier chips were clocking better.
  20. Seems like it works if I follow a link to a submissions page - or at least it did a couple times on my phone, and it surprised me. The homepage or other pages though are just all garbled code. I still haven't bothered trying another browser. 3rd party browsers often seem sluggish/bloated on android, I kinda like the stock basics.
  21. 1. Everyone share common tweaks 2. More people run PCM05 3. Start posting crazy subtest scores 4. Share those tweaks 5. Post more even crazier subtest scores 6. Everyone quiet 7. What comes next as PCM05 turns?
  22. If anybody doesn't know that about LoD already, then they probably aren't ready to run pcm05 competitively.
  23. Yup, LOD definitely helps pixel shader in my experience as well. Just have to find the right setting. I'd say it has about a 500 point impact in my experience on 5870, but it depends on the platform and all.
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