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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. Setup: 2x PIII 866Mhz Slot1 Up to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SCSI drives + the RDram(aka Rambus) expander I already showed on the ROG expander thread. Woot
  2. thx Now I can start dreaming
  3. As tu les spécifications des 2 ? stp, car sur le site d'intel ils semblent pareil merci
  4. Ticket ID: 1209 Priority: High Here is the CPUZ link : http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1701479 here is a pic of the board that you can use : http://www.asus.com/websites/Global/products/dCuSHhM0xDkhj7v0/x0oGfklmucfjZf1q_500.jpg thx
  5. btw M. Beier you are lucky that Thomas wasn't at CEBit where you were snoring(or if he was, was without the hammer) I know it's an easy one , I also make the GTFO one, both are on facebook
  6. lol, btw I have same sheets for CPU and GPU with the best batch/serial number written down, that if I bench the cpu again I know which one was the best. For exemple here is the s370's Page: ho and btw ''caca'' means ''pooh''
  7. I don't use copywaza. I quickly know what it is, having whatched massman's videos
  8. afaik it's allowed to disable tessel. on the driver panel. It's a pain I know but as we cannot act on drivers .... It's allowed
  9. hum when I bench SuperPi 32M on SDRam rig such as Socket 7 and s370, I only use the TwinMos 256MB stick, it's enough
  10. btw on this rig SuperPi 512K takes around 47s to 52s to complete, so I thought that was enough to fill the box named ''Dirty''
  11. Preview: Seems that spectek and Infineon
  12. I already have the TwinMos 256MB stick that is stable under SuperPi 32M @ 180 Mhz 2-2-2-5. But my board or CPU is limited to 180 Mhz I cannot have 181 Mhz But I tried outside so ambient air was ~ 0°C This test here is with ambient air : 20°C http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2128132_christian_ney_memory_clock_sdr_sdram_182.6_mhz This time was 3-3-3-6 But I did 180 Mhz 2-2-2-5
  13. Ok np, slnght wants some too I will post the results when I finished testing
  14. nono it's SDRam, it's Genuine Memory brand's design I know they aren't RDRam, I have samsung RDRam but on my s423 rig these are 100 % SDRam
  15. Test Setup : Asus CUSL2-C Intel Pentium III 1 Ghz Corsair HX850 OCZ Vertex And memory of course : Testing conditions : Test1 : 150 Mhz 2-2-2-7 POST + boot windows + SuperPi 512K Test2 : 160 Mhz 2-2-2-7 POST + boot windows + SuperPi 512K Ambient air : 20°C vDIMM : 3.4v They will deserve 3 Awards : Crap Award Test1 Ok Award Test2 Ok Award Let's start testing
  16. You will be able to reconize Beier quickly imo
  17. It's not a public library (Its open but as it is on the middle of the university there is just geeks around there, and they were all in lessons when I was testing ) Next time I go to the HQ to meet the team I have to take the train, and I will have for sure hardware in my bag, will build and run the setup on the train and meet some sexy grandma
  18. arf -.- u will kill me
  19. Don't worry bro. I love old hardware, but sometimes you need to prostitute and do reviews of new hardware. We have much more reads on a R3E BE than on a GA-5AX review those days. But it's planned(I mean if I got time) to do old school reviews for fun. It's on the to do list
  20. omg, Beier will be happy
  21. I know, but's it's our beta tester who has them, and he is always telling me that he is going to send me GTX6 but nothing happened I will ask splmann again, I really need a better comb
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