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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. Seems there is really a wall, I am running everything with stock voltages and the e6320 is @ 3.7 Ghz stable superpi and wprime. lol
  2. no, you are not Turrican'ed' the hardware you are using is too recent
  3. When I did it it was the WR, But as it's bugged (all GT Bugged btw ) I haven't submited it
  4. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2130335_sonda5_maxxmem_ddr3_sdram_1430.1_marks?tab=more you can edit the result here
  5. ha ok, so can you provide a pic of the physical cpu please Then your submission will be unblocked
  6. Damn, I need more chips btw the Pentium 4 530 I told you last day, I tested the 4 chips I have, and the wall is 300 Mhz FSB for two of them and 295 for the 2 others.(or maybe here it's the cpu limit )
  7. haha, I was thinking about a wall or a combination of BIOS settings(damn too much bios settings for this board ), cause it's 100 % stable at this freq, end when I add only 1 more mhz, I have an instant blue screen. So I tried higher voltages(as Karl said, these are high), and still cannot get 521 Mhz. Hum I have to try the 2 other 6320 I have to find if they have this same wall too. Thank you guys for the confirmation.
  8. Hi, I cannot go higher than 520 Mhz, I tried a lot of settings, but still cannot pass 520 Mhz. Atm using a Core 2 Duo 6320 Is there some settings that have to be set in order to pass 520 Mhz ? Thx, atm I am a noob on recent hardware for who knows
  9. You are talking about thing thats angry you know that
  10. thank to you for asking and editing
  11. @ tnc99 no atm there isn't any way oups I did a mistake you have to submite atm under 3x 5870 not 5850, I did a wrong screenshot @knopflerbruce The theory of submitting under the best card is well right for single GPU cards but not when there is a dual GPU. As the 5970 is 2x a 5870 GPU (that means (2 x 5870 and 1 x 5850) which is 3x 5870. so a 3x GPU result under the best GPU(not physical card for dual gpu card).
  12. when you submite you can choose the amount of vga Can you see that ?
  13. yeah I only use the CUSL2-C and the CUV4X for s370 and the P3V4X(untill I find an Abit BE6) and the P2B-D for slot1.
  14. I have just to go to the dump every week And check ebay if there is some very old stuff with an interesting price Cause I don't earn any money actually student at the university
  15. in fact I said the cu4x-d because it's the most used card, but looking at his submissions I found he used the GA-6VTXD. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/836518_azesmbog_wprime_32m_2x_pentium_3_800mhz_eb_s370_1min_57sec_120ms
  16. Yeah, when you are not sponsored, don't earn a lot of money or a reviewer/tester, it's quite hard. This sport is expensive.
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