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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. Now everybody is adding me on facebook thinking I am Hi Cookie -.-
  2. Yeah you didn't know, massi discovered me, I got two profiles one for Globals and one for hardware , from Austria cause Karl is my brother. btw woldwide #1 and national #8 Regarding the preview this is looking as an OC Card that's cool
  3. Really nice looking, can't wait Hardware library roxxx
  4. Ho yeah inspector I love this soft, I used it when I tried to grab some points with the GTX 580 and my poor i7 920. Nice tool, only available for windows 7 unfortunately. But I haven't checked the driver tweaking part. Thx for the hint
  5. lol, now it's on your head
  6. I am new in da overclocking world. I know the name, I know it's on rivatuner but range is from -3 to +3, but I remmeber I reached to range it from -15 to +15 on the ''power user tab''. that was when I was on 3D bench. But I don't remember it was looking as hard as on your video . Maybe there is an other software. Anyway nice WR
  7. WTF Is that a LOD tweaking ? Is it allowed ? How to do it if it's allowed ? thx
  8. hahaha I know his snoring from the video posted on facebook
  9. héhé, I will wait for the ocaholic sample
  10. the usb drive. nice score with a 8800 GTX, still without any mounting kit as I can see btw is the zalman effective ?
  11. Is it allowed to use this as ramdisk/iram or I don't know how it's named ? As physically I can plug/unplug it without killing the setup as it has a separated memory channel.
  12. Is this allowed for points ? I have this thing, imo it's a prototype from Rambus/HP, the engineer I know that is curently working at the CERN gave me that funny present
  13. we can't submite using 1.45 atm and I don't want to search it and dl it . and btw using stap 400, divider available on my Rampage Formula are : 1:1 and 3:4 I don't know where you see 2:3. (2:3 is available on 266 strap here)
  14. I already replyed to you on the 2 other thread you opened CPU only earn points for 2D benchmarks. GPU only earn points for 3D benchmarks
  15. BTW i just tried on my x48 Rampage formula both divider available of the 400 strap. And CPUZ is showing same memory freq as the bios. I am a noob, or I missed something ?
  16. To me something like 836.6 or 936.6 (seems right) But he has to provide an ORB Link as he is in the Top 20 (hall of fame) isn't it ?
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