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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. As always ASRock motherboards are exotic (ASRock FTW) You are alowed to set 0.5 multi directly from the BIOS.
  2. I have this one : SHARP PC-4641 http://www.system-cfg.com/detailcollection.php?ident=150 the 40MB limited edition But I haven't got the power cable And I have a i386 rig somewhere
  3. héhé I even got the 57 Mhz cpuz file, but don't remember where it is
  4. I was using that : http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2120074_christian_ney_cpu_z_phenom_ii_x6_1090t_be_58_mhz
  5. Want Switzerland MOA qualifications anyway, if my mind push me to buy msi AMD 870 board and Athlon II, I will fight for the France MOA
  6. Proof here : Those guys are bad, they may know which freq they are using, why posting under a know wrong/bad result !?
  7. This one is right, here cpuz is showing the rated fsb and not the bus speed. But the frequency is readed correctly 1920 mhz is 16 x 120(240/2)
  8. here is the score : http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2123035_dblooi_cpu_z_fusion_e_350_2400.3_mhz using CPUZ 1.56 showing 10x 240 Mhz(120 Mhz real as it's double data rate) so real should be 1'200 Mhz ? I think the real CPU Speed is 1'200 Mhz here he used the fact of wrong reading to submite. Even his WPrime submission, WPrime is showing 1'920 Mhz which is right : 16 x 120 Mhz Mine is 16 x 100 Mhz @ stock so FSB is 200 Mhz using CPUZ 1.57 (latest version) which is 100 % right, cause I know and chose 16 x 100 Mhz in da BIOS Am I right ? I am 100 % sure but even in this case I ask, we are humans
  9. hum, seems I have to check if my 386 rig are still working to try to be slowest than you
  10. Hey massman, Can you enable Unigine benchmark 1.0.4b for this challenge please, It's impossible for me to have any score with 1.0.3 (runtime error + no score + bench no start + crash + ....) But with 1.0.4b it's ok here thx
  11. Yep Turrican is right, I have the same card and it's a Kyro II
  12. , I used the template I did in the lounge vip thread I didn't know that it was possible to see for every users, I thought it was only moderators
  13. Step one : Go on your profile, and clic the option tab : Step two : Clic the ''force recalculation of best submissions'' button :
  14. no, I have an old ATI card that can do infinite clocks set 2 Ghz in ATITool and gpuz read the card is running @ 2 Ghz but irl I think it is still running @ stock lol
  15. no more i7 990X/980X omfg 1 6 0 0 this is insane and 1603 Mhz is unbelivable
  16. Yeah sure, but its still impressive when I have same batchs that are far away regarding the max freq or stability. different batch/stepping is ok, but to see a huge difference with the same batch like 600 mhz it s quite impressive, most of the time I have 10 mhz between double/triple cpu I have.
  17. LOL, you know what the second e6320 I have.... ... wall is 450 Mhz using same settings as the one with the 520 Mhz wall And both are L645G559 welcome to overclocking world
  18. Happy Birthday Frederick, ''the creator''
  19. Step 1 : Clic on the ''more'' button of the entry : Step 2 : Clic on the report button : Step 3 : Clic the right reason, Leave a comment in english with all explanations of why you reported the result(to help moderators understanding what's wrong) (For exemple : ''Has to be moved from 1xCPU to 2xCPU as CPU-Z is showing 2 physical CPU'') And then clic the ''send report'' button.
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