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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. Yes the WR stamps are wrong because we need to check them one by one, and as there is no WR given, last time we check those score was long time ago
  2. They are 75 WR points http://hwbot.org/submission/2273939_
  3. I want MOOARRR
  4. Setting it up at the moment 32 Threads :woot: Now I need to come back home to pick up 128 GB of memory and 16 more SSD :nana:
  5. Windows XP Startup is too high, please stay below 220 MB/s
  6. I sent you a PM to explain to you
  7. double checked, those two are ok
  8. Sorry Kenny, never had this issue. None of my systems had it, wonder what you are doing to your OSes to be such
  9. Picture you trying to upload is too big
  10. Check contact between gpu and cooler, I fixed one this way.
  11. Same here, I tested a Revodrive3 x2 once and perf in general usage was also something like 133 mb/s only.
  12. Because it is not 6x 8 cpu setup whatever. I explained it to you by private message why this is different than SteveRo's case
  13. Here: http://www.quickmeme.com/make/
  14. ha ok, c'est cool
  15. One post above + Post Count: 65 Know issue: http://bugs.hwbot.org/browse/HWBOT-729 [..] not sur if you guys do it on purpose [..]
  16. like to submission please, not to your profile page
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