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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. text edit tweak: Go bench in Turkmenistan
  2. Massman is aware of the problem yes
  3. I like your ''charts'' but why I am not in ?
  4. Just use the search field: http://www.hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/330_/ http://www.hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/mirage/ http://www.hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/mirage_3/ http://www.hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/voodoo5_5500/ http://www.hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/voodoo3_3000/ http://www.hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/voodoo2/ And you will find them all, I posted some exemples here
  5. Yeah Jonas post us some more here
  6. hum, you are looking really different than last time we met... May be not you but Kenny
  7. The pic is from somebody that is working at MSI and that's the only one he has (he said so) so enjoy this thumb
  8. MSI GTX 680 Lightning
  9. lol, using Koolance CPU LN2 Pot and GA-EP35-DS4. Must have been hardcore. I love that, great achievement well deserved
  10. Here is what is keeping me at the office all day/night long: It is finally taking much more time, with one 1:30 hours per cards doing all those 14 Benchs (Updating Ocaholic's GPU Charts): We have only 40 Graphics Cards ocaholic - Galerie
  11. Congratz spambot
  12. I send you my serial by PM
  13. I guess you meant ''advice'' not ''device''
  14. Found this on Facebook:
  15. Additional proofs
  16. When I will swap to the Asus board later this week
  17. 2x Xeon E5 2690, Gigabyte GA-7PESH1 Testing them atm, 24.98 pts under CineBench. 2D: 3D: http://www.ocaholic.ch/xoops/html/modules/xcgal/albums/userpics/10632/Vantage%203D.jpg
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