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Everything posted by l0ud_sil3nc3

  1. Tried but this chip is pretty bad and any voltage for NB was still impossible to set even 118 bclk with NB at 1300 set in bios. The system just shuts down regardless even at sub ambient temps. Exactly 2 bclk which was enough to reach 121 benchable.
  2. 10:21:500 done at 10c, blending 121 bclk at -20c now and looking like maybe 10:18:xxx if it finishes.
  3. Your chip has a great IMC, I can't even set 118 on the 2133 divider just bsod all day. RESPECT this is a great run.
  4. Does anyone have a working TurboV lite, none of the ones I am trying will install and if they do install any time I change blck multi drops to x35. I don't want to install AISuite 3 as it adds 10 services and bloats up the install.
  5. If you set anything other than auto you get boot loops. 10c pot temp for this one, 120 bclk at same temps/voltage made it halfway. Does anyone have a working TurboV Evo, had to use AISuite as it's the only thing that worked. 121 bclk set loops were slightly slower, will try a fresh OS tomorrow.
  6. @flanker this is why you use XP and never bench pi in W7 take note and learn from overlord Massman @Massman great start for sure now have a proper target to aim for This is the fastest <5Ghz 32M on AMD ever done well done man. What's crazy is this is pretty close to the all out fastest AMD time iirc done by Roman or HiVizMan's at > 8Ghz. AMD stepping up their single core game for sure glad to see it and about time this gives me hope for Zen not being a total crap shoot.
  7. Please figure it PJ my board/cpu shows up Tuesday and will be ready to battle
  8. I expect to see you at the top of the 5Ghz LCC for AMD, no excuses
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