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Everything posted by l0ud_sil3nc3

  1. I have on for sale that can do what you wish, pm me if interested.
  2. R5E is a memory monster! forgot link: http://hwbot.org/submission/2631353_ 5Ghz with my beastly uncore lol 3200 c12 next?
  3. The 3000 c15 (red) kit is good for 1T and 49!
  4. Getting there slowly but surely, one timing at a time.
  5. Very nice Sofos and ohhh what is this ram I see you rocking 3200 c16 intrigued!
  6. small place holder till everything is completely fixed
  7. only 5Ghz hideo-san, chip was that bad not even 5.2 with even 1.7v
  8. Always top tier gear man As for the dom plats, I have 12 modules and wouldn't let any of them go for less than what you are asking. Remember at launch these were $600 USD and on the Corsair web store they were listed at $749.99. Good luck with the sale Michael, I'm sure everything fly off the shelf.
  9. Retry button is the shit, fail to train no worry just retry and usually within the first or second try it will train and boot.
  10. All USA marked cpu's that I have seen that are ES, don't show up as ES in cpuz.
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