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Everything posted by xsuperbgx

  1. any support for up6225? It is on hd5870 lightning. Is this the correct readout for device scan if hooked up properly? Device scan 5/30/2015 9:58:10 PM: 0x51
  2. Some very good submissions. Congrats to hwbox Hellas. Impressive point total.
  3. I don't think this CPU is allowed for team cup.
  4. Thanks guys. My problem was mostly my stripped xp. even after I installed the driver, it was not working. A different strip version of xp seemed to do the trick. I appreciate even getting help from the other teams. Very good guys!!
  5. I installed that. Perhaps I need to install before the GPU is installed. Thanks guys.
  6. Can anyone help me on this 4coredual sata2 and the drivers? as you can see in my screenshot, the gpu is shown as pci instead of agp (4xAGP @ pci). I am wondering if that is hurting my scores because they are not where they should be. I have tried many drivers and new os installs, motherboard drivers, gpu drivers etc. Perhaps it not an issue. Submission with screenshot here: http://hwbot.org/submission/2632325_ any help is appreciated Thanks.
  7. Incredible amount of last minute submissions. Congrats to those that made the cut.
  8. Good job! I had the score to beat this, but I didn't SS. I may have to throw down another run or two. Did pushing memory seem to help you? It didn't seem to change my score at all when I raised it up.
  9. That is too much work when there is so many other things that could be done with your valuable time. I am shocked that you would not just scrap all results or change to no points. Thanks to the guys that are hard at work.
  10. http://hwbot.org/submission/2632796_ could we get this one added for the tegra contest? Thanks!!
  11. Welcome to our team. Drop by the forum and say hi. We are happy to help with rookie rumble or anything else. http://www.overclockers.com/forums/showthread.php/750442 http://www.overclockers.com/forums/showthread.php/750440
  12. http://hwbot.org/team/overclockers.com/ The graph on our team page doesn't seem to work, but I can see graphs on other teams page ok.
  13. I see you joined the overclockers.com team. Feel free to drop in and say hello. You can inquire there with any questions or if you would like help with rookie rumble or any other submissions. http://www.overclockers.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=124
  14. I will work on our submissions if I was sure about which ones should be removed. Look and see if passwords checked is is in ascending order for the given instruction set? For example: http://hwbot.org/submission/2347268_edward2_ucbench_2011_4x_opteron_6180_se_5842_mpt_score This one shows the second to last "passwords checked" is not in order and therefor this sub should be deleted? or do I have to look at thread counts and only erase if #thread in result.txt are not divisible by actual thread count of cpu?
  15. A feature request: could I get a PM or email when someone joins our team, team mate joins rookie cup etc.? It would make it a bit easier to keep track of those in order to help and or mentor.
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