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Everything posted by xsuperbgx

  1. http://hwbot.org/submission/2610117_ this is the submission. It does not have the edit/delete buttons for me either....
  2. Same comment as on "The Mutt". I got one of these same gpu's from ebay. I think they are S25s and the guy on ebay mis-labeled them. Haven't tried mine yet, hoping to beat you though....
  3. I got one of these same gpu's from ebay. I think they are S25s and the guy on ebay mis labeled them. Haven't tried mine yet, hoping to beat you though....
  4. Looks good. Add a picture, lets get this in the team cup...
  5. Is there a way to get this sub changed to count for team cup? http://hwbot.org/submission/2590245_ Thanks!
  6. Is there a possible way to pull my teams top score for each bench in the team cup? An easy way to keep our forum thread updated with current results and which categories have no result? Thanks.
  7. For some reason my raspberry pi reads as "Broadcom BCM2708". Does anyone know how to get hwbot prime to read the correct name, or can I submit as is? Edit: nvm, seems to read ok in the submission.
  8. I can't seem to log in on android if I don't use FB, Tw or G+. If I use the regular desktop or mobile site there is no way to login. This is with chrome browser on android. I can put up some Screenies if it is needed.
  9. Is this the one on eBay a week or two ago? I bid but my bid was weak.
  10. cpu is maxxed. I guess I need a 470 to get any better.
  11. Single core cpu? If so, I had the same issue. I never received any response about a possible fix. I could even switch cpu and get the bench to run ok without changing anything (o/s drivers etc.) I tried different o/s's drivers etc. G465 and MVG
  12. I am tempted to go, but I suspect it is difficult to find somewhere to stay at this short notice. It is a long drive, but I would like to watch some pros throw around some ln2.
  13. How do you even get this to run? I only get an error with G465?
  14. Any tips for my problem above? I see some submissions for singles. Anyone have a solution?
  15. Was there a fix for this? I didn't see one. I did find out that this is a single core issue only. I swapped the cpu to something different and everything worked ok. same o/s -nothing but swap to a 2500k. Any tips to get this working on a single core SB? I can see that a few guys have got it to run. What is the secret? I guess I will try a W7 install. Edit: Windows 7 64 I got same error. : I guess I give up on xtu for now...
  16. Was there a fix for this? I didn't see one.
  17. You have a great CPU there. I have been buying CPU's and boards so that I can improve my single core scores. I only hope that I can get anywhere close to this. Good work!
  18. I thought there was going to be some changes to the way that global points are awarded to rarely used core counts in cpu benchmarks? With the addition of cinebench, perhaps this would be more urgent. It seems that there are quite a few submissions recently that seem to be taking advantage of (abusing) the current situation.
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