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Xtreme Addict

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Everything posted by Xtreme Addict

  1. Good result Wiz also retail Samsung card is a perfect news for OC community, it's the way to go
  2. Where is the option 5 USD? :banana: The truth is - Gelid or Grizzly or Frostbyte or Grandpa/Grandma are good for full pot BUT when you put them on IHS - POT (Frostbyte is good with CPUs soldered to IHS like Ivy-E, with CPUs with TIM between DIE and IHS Grizzly/Gelid/Nick's Grandpa's (don't confuse with Grandma, it's different paste). The problem is DIE - IHS. Even if such paste would cost 20 USD per 1g, most Extreme/Elite deliding guys would buy it just to put on DIEs... If you Delid CPU for 300-400 Euro, you don't care about few bucks on thermal compound...
  3. Thx guys Eff wasn't best, but it was first run with this CPU, OS broke after few crashes and platform wasn't stable anymore. With fresh system CPU should do 5.9+ XTU. Still it's not delided. Maybe one day
  4. First one (you or George) who posts 2000+ result pays for beers in Vegas
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