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Xtreme Addict

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Everything posted by Xtreme Addict

  1. Really nice IMC My Pentium can't do 2666 C6 stable
  2. I don't need any apology from you, I don't care. I did nothing to you and maybe it's high time to grow up and take things less personally, especially considering live events. If you are mad cause you couldn't attend HOT final because of your work don't hate the players, hate the game, life you have chosen
  3. Not cool to put our private conversation in public, but comment was very funny on Facebook (not the one from this result)! I love all this drama in oc community, getting my popcorn and waiting for Ian's reply/score
  4. Vid on Haswell-E imho is useless, same 4.5 GHz @ voltage on air. all depends from CB and cpu itself regarding scaling My golden USA cpu has vid 0.992v, does 4.5 ghz @ 1.275v and 5.8 GHz 4-Way Gen 3,0 on ln2... just scales like crazy with cold My best retail is also vid 0.992v, does 4.5 ghz @ 1.25v, 5.6 ghz @ 1.6v on ln2 cinebench
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