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Xtreme Addict

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Everything posted by Xtreme Addict

  1. 8 Pack's XTU wasn't valid cause he forgot to put background, that's why score was removed
  2. My MOA card which qualified me, very nice card. 1600/1725 MHz Heaven DX11 and so on. Full box with stock cooler, card has 0.95v rail vmod, solated, ready for LN2 results you can check here: http://hwbot.org/competition/moa_emea_2014_aq/ Price 450 EURO + shipping Please send me PM if interested.
  3. You clearly don't check my FB, rules already changed
  4. Kind email to MSI was sent. I pointed out valid arguments, hope other will do same and MSI will listen to us
  5. Yes Andi, imagine deep Italian passion for overclocking combined with my rough methods Will be fun with Massimiliano Last year in Poland in Warsaw it visa cost around 80 euro, embassy is in Warsaw so it's easy for me
  6. Don't worry it's okay No hard feelings You got the most slowly (preparing setup) and failing ocer in history (drying motherboard for 2 hours - I check it and big drops of water everywhere)... but he is a deadly weapon if he has few weeks to produce a score
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