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Xtreme Addict

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Posts posted by Xtreme Addict

  1. Ronaldo my friend I always admire your results, your effort you put into results and I understand your situation in your country. In Poland it's better, but not much better in fact. It's very unfair that in some countries there is no support at all and in others some ocers are sponsored totally, achieving in fact not good results lol :D


    Personally, I think you are the best private, nonsponsored OCer ever :) Keep pushing. I am so glad we will meet again in Taipei :)

  2. Go'n'win the 2nd stage man! You truly deserve it!


    Congrats XA!


    Thanks all who helped me this qualifier time: T0lsty, Sergii, Yuri Mykolyshin, Perica_barii, Xtreme Addict, my car Ari & some others. It's not only my achievement but rly huge team work!


    Congrats to you Oleg, this time you were unbeatable, considering low amount of time you spent on results - AWESOME :)


    I also want to thanks all my friends who helped me (with repairing my Xpower II, system tweaks, motivation), it's wonderful to have such great support :)


    I am glad we both got our chances to grab tickets and have calm july :D


    I wish best luck to all participants for Semi final, for sure it will be hard battle!

  3. ...


    People you really want to do OC Contests totally unfriendly by crazy rules and stop ocers to participate?




    You have to realize that OCers (most of us) work or study, we have private lives, we don't have possibility to spend all time for contests. Most of us plan taking part in big contests like MOA or AOOC or LOC, some of working guys specially for this occasion take free days at work and so on. Other matter is hw availability. Sometimes we have to import some hw from abroad to take part cause in many countries some parts are not available, or even buying handpicked hw, it's impossible to buy golden samples from the same overclocker, or few in the same country ;) Shipping takes time, the same - customs. Moreover, not everyone has 24/7 LN2, some of us only can refill dewars in certain days or simply sometimes wait until there is fresh delivery, because ln2 is over and sometimes it takes few weeks... And LN2 also cost and most contests aren't on the hw which ocers want to overclock (I mean combination - most of OCers use MSI Lightnings + Asus board), especially some stages of older HW. Results are mostly made only for contest. Now imagine - someone buys hw, buys LN2, has just got great scores and want to publish them but the concept of OC contest was "after 3 weeks it will be shut down randomly" and it appears it was shut down 5 minutes before...


    The concept which proposed Franscisco is interesting though, if developed properly, it could be fun to take part in such contest.


    BTW, why OCers don't like sandbagging? In fact it makes the game harder, and I think we are serious players. During contests sometimes we are going to do big sacrifices, crazy mods, things to score a bit better, tweak OS as hell and so on, cause "someone can have high backup" ;). Moreover, last hours and minutes of big events are interesting a lot :)


    If HWBOT or Vendors don't want to have sandbagging, simply prepare weekly prizes for highest scores or something which will want us to show best scores ;) In some contests elimination time (like MOA 2012) also shows who can and will participate, but it has to be in reasonable time frames.


    I am getting back to benching right now, I hope I won't zorch any MSI :D Today I got my X79A-GD65 finally. If I hadn't repaired Xpower II (with help of friends) earlier, today, would be the first they to do scores for some stages for me :D

  4. No need to name, everybody knows my friend :)


    You don't make sandbag. You do gifts to OC gods lol


    Haha to be honest, sandbagging is the part of this game now. Maybe I am wrong, but when you see the "limit" which you have to bypass to win, it's more easy to reach the goal, it's my personal feeling. In fact last hours of the events are very interesting, I am always buying few beers and watching, I am not totally sure if it's a wrong thing in fact. I missed lucky draw deadline so in fact I don't have to rush. I will participate, I have now all needed results, maybe not winners yet, but also not that shabby. I will bench today and tomorrow, if needed, I will bench to the last minutes of the event (as I mostly do in fact). Meantime, I made a lot of sacrifices to OC GODS lol

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