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Xtreme Addict

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Posts posted by Xtreme Addict

  1. Okay, be careful MOA participants:


    My benching...


    I am booting OS -100*C

    5500 MHz @ 1.6v (my Golden 3770K)

    I opened CPU-Z, SPI 32M, voltages measured by Digital Multimeters


    I am cooling down MSI Mpower Z77


    I cooled it down to -180*C

    DMM showed that board gave 2.01v on CPU and board rebooted and FF


    I was only cooling down the board...

  2. "Okay, so it appeared my Xpower II board is missing 4 resistors (soldering pads are okay) so I asked about values few times"


    If you still need this, send me a picture and I can try to look in my board.



    I have value of 3 resitors, one is capacitor which is not so easy to check exactly value without unsoldering it and using correct tools




    @Xtreme Addict: You have too much MSI products making bad advertise to them, you know. They will be kind with you when their hw become trustfull lol

    I' feel the same about puting a good chip in those boards :(


    Edit: We all know the mess it has been for ya back in the days, so much boards and CPUs for qualifiers....



    BAD PR would be if I would describe all my adventures with MSI :D :D I only answered your question why qualifiers are so far not so popular and described my case why it's almost impossible now for me to take part, cause thx to MSI I don't have HW


    oh yeahh .. few years ago 2 msi boards killed 2 good sandys .. and died themselves .. after that I`m afraid of its boards)) ...


    Sometimes it happens, I remember in P67/Z68 MSI boards mosfet burned killing CPUs :(





    Xtreme Addict : Do you use ABx (private ED) on your 7970L ? Perhaps it's the reason why they said "ES" card ? Really not sure about that, just a question


    It's bunnyextraction, I heard few versions, like each lightning has it's private "codes" in bioses connected to the SN, special markings on PCB and so on, which is not true. And retails with invoices transforms in ES Samples, despite the fact no one send me free Lightning sample... and not whole box of those :D Something isn't working in my country, and I am not able to fight it anymore. Too many $ lost.



    what are you all on about? I have had more ASUS boards die and take good chips than any other brand. it’s not the vendor, it’s the nature of what we do. take part or don't but blaming the vendor is just weak as for abx and cold slow, you can't expect everything to be handed to you on a platter, everyone has the same limitation so just do the best with what you have, be happy and just get on with it. I very much doubt anyone is conspiring against you to keep you out or at a disadvantage or maybe they are who knows.



    I agree with that we always risk hw on LN2. But statistics are brutal - Asus boards are the most popular, and you mostly hear that CPU died on MSI board.


    About Coldslow bios/abx or mods - it's MOA, it should be available. I don't think that using LN2 on 7790 wih -10*C slowdown is a fun. Or using LN2 (Which is not that cheap as water...) to get 30 MHz more cause there are not enough mods. Epower is always the option for volts, but coldslowdown will also affect Epowered card.


    If there are only 10 10 will qualify. 50% rule does have lower priority in this case. It has been stated somewhere around here long time ago.


    drweez it always depends on hands.dll also but stats show that MSI mobos (not talking about VGAs!) have the worst OC reputation among TOP3 vendors all over the community. I've got my own 'bunnyy story' that is not published yet. Just not to harm MSI's reputation much with bad words and not to argue with local office where good guys work.


    MSI GPUs - best, but the most fragile

    MSI MOBOs - let's say they are better than in the past. For instance Xpower II Bing Bang is after R4E/R4F best board. Mpower Z77 is not so tragic, it can be benched (but not too good for 2D), but for single GPU is okay.



    I think everyone has horror stories about all vendors. That MSI is not an exception is not really a surprise. Asus has their Maximus V extreme sudden death story, Gigabyte that 1156 socket burn, Asrock with the


    I think the community just tends to bash MSI or sensationalize their failure more than other brands. Perhaps because the relations with HQ are less tight than with other companies? Or because there's not really a full-time in-house active overclocker there?


    Each Vendor had some worse moments, that's for sure. But MSI killing CPUs is a common problem from few generations, by statistics lol.


    MSI has potencial, MOA -biggest and oldest annual contest, Lightnings/Hawks which are mostly the best. Boards are getting better with each generation now in fact. New Z87 seem to be not bad, finally there will be soon MSI boards at launch with normal PWM (Mpower Max/Xpower), I hope also that soon there will be added 01se tweaks/spi and so on...


    But now there is a problem with support. This MOA is a bit released without a proper preparation, like bioses, tools or voltmods. Also MSI should be more eager to help ocers, especially when they need some non secret informations. Good connection with OC community would be also great, like Dino/hicookie - GB, Andre/Shamino/slamms - Asus, Nick Shih - Asrock, to start listening about some issues. MSI has potencial to be nr 1 in OC community, but now they are more and more running away from it.


    I am too tired to buy retails MSI in Poland and not because products are bad, but the support/warranty/availability of highends is inappropriate. I simply can't lose so many $ each time.


    I hope this event will be a success and there will be MOA 2014. First rules were bad, but MSI changed it a bit to make it more friendly. It was a very good move. It's still not perfect, but acceptable. I wish I could organize hw (which I should have) to participate, but now it's simply not possible and there is not much time left.

  3. It seems nobody's reacting about the comp... are we so few? :(


    Why are you surprised?


    I am personally tired with MSI. Despite the fact that their products have potencial...


    My story:


    I asked HQ about ABX for 7790, I got the answer that AMD forbids, so I asked about vmods or datasheet, but nothing, I also asked about cold slow bioses and nothing. So it only confirmed me to participate Class A where there is normal hardware. Okay, so it appeared my Xpower II board is missing 4 resistors (soldering pads are okay) so I asked about values few times - nothing, and it's not a very big secret, cause everyone with a DMM can measure it. Okay, so I had backup plan to use my second MSI board, X79A-GD65 when it comes from RMA but I got the reply from MSI POLISH RMA center that board can be replaced for a new one but without warranty or I can send it again through the shop to get a new one with warranty. Meantime, my retail Lightning 7970 with invoice was considered to be ES card and not replaced (it's not the first time with Lightnings).


    Add to all of this the fact that I have to "risk" golden cpus in MSI boards, there are no teams, Lightnings 7970 or Xpower II boards are not available to buy (and cards magically appear to be "ES samples" when RMA)... and no one wants to help.



    And consider the fact that in EU we had biggest qualifications ever (AOOC 2013)...


    I wanted to take part a lot, I was looking forward MOA Qualifier, but simply if MSI doesn't want/care OCers to join it...Such contests should be fun, in my case is only stress, time consuming RMA which is rejected, fighting for replacing products or trying to buy HW @ abroad and fighting customs...


    Of course a lot of guys are sandbagging, so some results will be published in last day, and I know that few great ocers will not participate but I am still hoping that it will be a success.


    Personally, I don't have motivation, I am too tired, risking other boards/cards only later to get info from RMA center that it can be replaced for no warranty part (despite the fact it was from official distribution with an invoice) or hearing that another Lightning is ES Sample and so on (all retails bought from official distribution with my private money) and losing so much time, nerves and $. Now I have only Mpower board and I can fight SuperPI, no X79 MSI board yet, no Lightning 7970. I am not sure if I want to mod ref card with Epower to do results. In theory I should have all necessary hardware alive/replaced/benching now, but it seems so obvious for me, that MSI doesn't want me in the competition so I guess I have no choice but give up. Maybe if on time I have MSI X79 I will do results, but it's very unlikely now.

  4. popped my 3970x retail one of course xD damn, ah well have a cinebench run done but wanted to try firestrike x79....will just go z77 for it now I think


    Big pics http://i.imgur.com/gWDQTHt.jpg


    Quick try on a random chip I had laying around, seems I get restart over 6.4ghz 1.825v

    http://imgur.com/i7dEajS (big pic)


    will try mem cold at 5ghz then go for broke 7ghz chip


    PS just realized this but is Mpower a play on the word Empower?


    I thought that "Mpower" is from "Medium power" like "Xpower" -> "Xtreme Power" ;)

  5. Rules are rules. Overclocker is overclocker. There is no official definition of "overclocker" in a dictionary, but regarding the fact it's HWBOT I would create one:


    "A person who pushes hardware to the limits using non conventional ways of cooling ( for instance: Single stage/Cascade/DI, LN2, LHE) and make results public (in rankings or computer forums)"


    Meis is not an overclocker, I didn't see results by him on polish forums or foreign (like XS), no rankings (HWBOT), didn't hear about him earlier. So in my opinion Asus will follow rules, if he won't pay for his ticket/accommodation. But to be fully honest - ryba should be allowed to change a teammate for real overclocker from Poland (if he wants).

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