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Xtreme Addict

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Everything posted by Xtreme Addict

  1. ES for rankings are okay... all ES, even special unlocked, "A0" steppings and so on. In PRO CUP only ES allowed should be those which can be matched by retails (like SB, SB-E, Ivy Bridge).
  2. When there was PRO League with old rules... it was easy clear, everyone could bench what he liked, when he could/want, it was a "show" of real power, ES, 4-Way setups and so on. No one cared if HW was ES, specially designed in few copies, unavailable and so on. It was okay, because it was only "for ourselves". PRO Cup is a new form, it's a COMPETITION, where there are supposed to be prizes in future (or maybe even this edition), where vendors were supposed to sponsor teams and this league in theory should bring new blood in this race, cause: A) sponsoring B) prizes I don't see sponsoring and I don't see this new format "working" for new blood, I see the opposite. Maybe we need time, and I want to give it time, but if we are supposed to race, only with some chances. Of course we are all aware that there are ocers who can bin 200-500 cpus for free, and I say "good for them! :)", I am jealous because I would also like to have such option, but it's okay for me cause if they bin retails, there is always a tiny chance that I can buy this one box retail and it can be better than those 500 tested. Luck still is a big part of game. Vmods and software aren't big problem, cause if someone need those, he has to ask a good person only, and someone will share or give contacts to vendors to get those information. The problem is hw like ES samples, which can't be bought officially and in fact even on ebay it's hard to get ES Haswell now. I am only waiting to see some proves that retails can match ES and then I can race even against ES cpus, but I am too afraid of GT A0 situation. So if PRO CUP is going to be unavailable for old normal users who try to fight top... it's pointless because sooner we will simply decide to go back to XOC. Really, in this shape now, I don't see ANY new blood coming into it. Maybe it's better to restore old PRO LEAGUE, where ES cpus weren't so big problem cause it was more about personal goal and "art", not competition... with restrictions and rules. I am still waiting to see some screens/movies with those magical 6.5-6.7 GHz retails...
  3. I wish you the best my friend, but I forecast you will not achieve 6 GHz 3D
  4. Yap... cause ES are not allowed in MSI Online contests I am not sure if it's fun... and I don't see WRs with such frequency. I only want to see good retail chip!
  5. If you have any contacts where I can buy those ES cpus... send me a PM About hardmods there is a second side - the ability of vmods distinguish now ocers, that's my opinion. There are still some guys in top which can't solder a simple trimpot Cause with boards and Lightnings everything is sometimes just too easy. I am not telling that's it's bad. That's my thought though. Let's be honest, how many guys modded heavily 7970 ref card for MOA 2012 or 2013?
  6. Epowers could be bought from EVGA EU Store some time ago, it was the fault of OCers who hadn't bought it cause they preferred Lightnings. Those were retails. Moreover, EVGA soon will sell new batch of much more powerful and those also will be in EU shop from what I know. It's not the same. Moreover, in GPUs you can always try to play with Lightnings (like 780 GTX which maybe can reach Titan), so it's not that you have totally no choice. Second thing is that for Epower... you need to have skills, courage and will to mod the card, total noob won't do it. With CPU you only put it in the socket. Epower is some kind of hardmod, we can't ban hardmods cause those are impossible to track. We can't mod CPU to be a better... But we can track in CPU-Z if CPU is an ES or not. I only want to see some good results with retails, and if they are okay, ES are fine for me. I know that there are guys who tested 100+ retails now...
  7. Software is easy, you can always ask some good guys for a copy About SOC - depends from the series, most of SOC need really crazy vmods because of shit controllers used, or only ES cards have software voltage control (like SOC 5870 - additional Winbond controller for VGPU). SOC is different league - GB is not doing anything to make those interesting for OCers in my opinion. But there are Lightnings, there are Matrix, DCU2... ES cpus are something different than Epowers, Epowers can be bought, soon new batch will be for sale. Moreover, if you have enough knowledge, you can create yourself separate PWM from some dead GPU or even something like Hipro5 created, ddr maximizer We can't make our own CPU. I have nothing agaist ES if they are like retails, but not GT A0 history again. Show us some good retails and everyone will stop whining or if there aren't any, ban ES
  8. What WRs my friend? On what? On retails where you are fighting for 6.1-6.2 GHz CPU-Z and play 5.7-6 GHz 3D or on ES which can run 3D 6.5 GHz? ;]
  9. PCIE for sure doesn't like you To have problems on IB you need damm luck
  10. If old platforms are allowed for round 2, no one will use retail Haswell, cause good IB are faster
  11. I am not sponsored OCer, I don't get ES cpus, I even can't buy them...
  12. No... it's PRO Cup which is supposed to have some prices and we have to buy dedicated hw for stages, it is a show "which should bring new blood in OC Community". ES Haswells are much much better (QE6H) than retails and can't be bought, so I vote to ban them, I don't see those ES Haswells to bring more blood in OC Community, I see the opposite.
  13. In rules I see that only haswell is allowed
  14. I think it's more like 275 GTX vs 285 GTX. The best 285 GTX were faster than 275 GTX, but most of 275 GTX clocked MUCH higher and could beat average 285 GTX. I am sure that 780 GTX will clock a bit higher, or more much more easy to get 1800 GPU, which will not beat the best Titan, but will be competitive overall.
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