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Everything posted by nachtfalke

  1. phsyX enabled are NOT allowed on hwb , look at your cpu score...seems octocore is a litle baby=))
  2. first check your compressor if is for R407c( low back pressure) refrigerant , 10k btu compressor design for R407c will had ~ 18-19 cm3/rev cilynder displacement ... that is what you need for a phase change! if the compresor is for R410a( hight back pressure) refrigerant , 10k btu compressor design for R410a will had ~ 11-12 cm³/rev cilynder displacement , so used in low back pressure application like oc phase change with low back pressure refrigerant R502 , R404a or R507 isn´t so good!
  3. hi , add please extra category for gtx 550 Ti bus width 128bit. http://viewmax.us/index.php/video-cards/geforce-series-500/gtx-550ti-1gb-ddr5-128b 192bit card are more performant vs 128bit mem interface ... here my submision with this kind of card: http://hwbot.org/submission/2769085_nachtfalke_3dmark2001_se_geforce_gtx_550_ti_121078_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2769086_nachtfalke_3dmark03_geforce_gtx_550_ti_73154_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2769092_nachtfalke_3dmark06_geforce_gtx_550_ti_28278_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2769089_nachtfalke_aquamark_geforce_gtx_550_ti_408873_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2769093_nachtfalke_3dmark11___performance_geforce_gtx_550_ti_3940_marks
  4. thanks! 1610mhz unigine on phase change ...
  5. for me this design works great and voltage control, stabillity and most IMPORTANT (for me) monitoring , mosfets temp in praticular output currents make this OC tool great:) HD7970 reference and APower on phase change cooling..made by me! to power gDDR i used 8800gtx vrm ..make by me dual output power card ( 4x2 phase) , no asus power card mini here.. DC ampers to watts say P(w) = I(a) xV(v) , 265A x 1.53V = 405W only gpu 70*C mesured by internal sensor on power board mosfets was when i removed fan to make this pic , so with fan was low than 60*C ( think 57* )
  6. you mean evaporator/suction line temp , that means the evap cool only copper cpu DIE not IHS silicium, because on bad intel stock TIM , that is THERMAL SPLINT ,so that evap doesn�t have right heat load on it or really heavy or dummy load that evap will be at -80 if is unit made by Dimas:(
  7. i talking about gDDR, for that gpu clock you need more mem bandwith to not bottleneck the gpu.. think for hynix gddr 1200 mhz under cold mem controller it is almost at the end! , i tried manny manny gtx580 so best mem implementation and PCB design is not the lightning , it is DC2 and Matrix. lightning with samsung and mem over 1300 mhz are very very rare ( i tried 6 pc´s only one can do 1300+ , another 5 pc stuckt to 1250 -1270) and from only 4 asus´s ( dc2 and matrix) all can do over 1300mhz:) with 1.8v 1.85 v on ln2 cooling solution should overvolted till 2volts just warm pcb cooled by ln2 to pass and push a bit the CB limit!. anyway great score and great eff i´m very happy that you like 2k1 because on 3D bench that i so tweakable like 32m on 2D bench and all know who much you like this bench! regards!
  8. right , that was reason when i told you about nature and mem frecq ( not otherts GT´s), i know very good this benchamrk with many gpu arhitecture , it is for sure my favorite benchmark , hynix is ok about mem CB better than samsung , with samsung mem on this gpu you need to warm ( overvolted ram´s) a bit to push CB limit a bit! but over all samsung hint frecv over 1300 mhz with a decent mem controller , so it is way to go!
  9. you should rise a bit the mem freq to improve nature , what ddr voltage use? find a gpu with samsung mem , hynix are weak than samsung ic´s
  10. seems your card run in cold slow , that gpu score seems is for ~950mhz core clock!
  11. up!
  12. It can be or not , don´t exist till now a fully explination what did exactly that OCP mod , one thing is sure sooner or later mosfets will burn anyway , particularly small ones. for those cards best way is VID mode and problem are solved!
  13. IOR IR3567A,B is very similar with CHiL CHL8228G http://www.irf.com/product-info/datasheets/data/pb-chl8225g.pdf http://www.irf.com/product-info/datasheets/data/pb-chl8225.pdf
  14. you don´t understand , that ocp mod modify the mosfets switching freq ...and they are very sensitive ...they die without reason , even with very small amount of voltage in GPU!!!! be carfully with volts in gpu because one ( ore more)phase can every time shorted!
  15. you should pay a lot attention about that cooper mosfet´s when you did that OCP mod ( ocp per phase) !!!!! , they become very HOT even at 1.3v ...should use the VRM with a massive heatsink on mos fet´s and a powerfull fan over it! 1.45 to 1.5v kill the vga instantly ...
  16. for sale 8 fullcover waterblocks from different manufacture: 1) Heatkiller HD79x0 - compatible with HD7970/7950 reference model - massive cooper waterblock ,very good condition ..no leaks , screw,washers and thermal pad are all included! 2) Aquacomputer - aquagrafx GTX470 - compatible with GTX465/470 reference model, massive cooper waterblock , very good contition- no leaks , screw, washers and VRM thermal pads are all included , for the ram ic required TIM! 3) EK nickelplated 285GTX CLASSIFIED - compatible only with EVGA gtx 285 classified - evga custom model , very cood contition , no leaks ,screw, washers and thermal pad are included (will add in shipping some pad for replacement) 4) innovatek GTX 285 hydro cooper - compatible with ALL gtx 285 rev1 , , very good contition , no leaks, screw and washers are all included , for VRM and IC ram required TIM 5) Aquacomputer - aquagrafx G200 - compatible with gtx 260 65nm ( volterra VRM) and GTX280 , very good contitions , no leaks , screw and springs are all included , for VRM and IC ram required TIM 6) EK nickelplated special edition HD4890 - compatible with HD4870 and HD4890 reference model , very good contitions , no leaks , screw ,washers and thermal pads are all includend 7)evga black pearl - compatible with 8800GT and 9800GT reference model , very good contition , no leaks , screw and springs are all included, for vrm and ic ram required TIM. 8) no name waterblock , compatible with 8800GTX and 8800 ultra , screw and washers are all included and thermal pads for ic ram and vrm . wish to sell all together for 150 euros! shipping only UE via DHL insurance till 500 euros, for sure package will be over 5kg and shipping cost will be 22 euros! that are on you! for another land from europe but not UE land please ask before! accept payment via WU or bank transfer!
  17. bugged score GT3 are incredible hight ...please delete
  18. 1. REX - SOLD!! 2. up for a good vga , unused on extreme cooling !
  19. new prices : 1. REX -140 euros 2. Matrix GTX580 -100 euros
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