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Everything posted by SF3D

  1. No worries. There is plenty of room for ln2 and when that copper base will be in desired temperature range you will need very small amount of ln2 to keep it stable. If you like to run full pull, then you can fill it up and it will be just fine. Memory produce so little amount of heat, that you don't need swimming pool over them
  2. Some more pictures! Ram pot is completely ready now and will be available soon. CPU pot is still waiting some parts to arrive and then it is ready as well. All of these will be available before May, that is a promise.
  3. m.beier is sending those all the time.. it will just raise the prices so ask him to stop it!!!!
  4. This mounting kit in the picture will fit on all 1155 motherboards no matter what brand they are. No worries. There will be mounting kit for each socket type separately, but they are not adding costs really. This mounting mechanism is solid piece of POM and it will create airtight pocket for CPU and it will also clamp CPU to socket. Pot pressure and contact will be 100% even every time and pot mount and remount will be very fast (seconds). No more bleeding fingers with those thumbscrews Quality of copper is so good compared to previous pots and the production quality is best EU level. There will be some more stuff included, but those I will show when product is ready to be sold. Price= very good, if I did not mention it already
  5. No. You can use hs or no hs, it is up to you.
  6. Do you like this one? Every memory module have their own thermal probe holes and this will be CU - Acetal combination. Fully compatible with all EKWB gear at the moment, so you can use this as a watercooling block when LN2 is not needed Price = very good!
  7. Testing is done and minor fixes applied. We are ready for mass production now Insulation is now so easy and that annoying and ugly paper is no more needed I am very happy with the product and the mass production version will have a different look than these samples. Mounting mechanism opened:
  8. I could already show you pictures of final product, but they got like 5cm snow in some airports and whole EU area is stuck Come on!!!
  9. Thanks Frederik! I have loved this site since the first day and I hope all the best for you. So, in other words this move was more to do with my personal stepdown or slowdown program than having any issues with hwbot, like most of the people guessed I have 3 kids + a lot of other responsibilities and things to do, so I have to start cutting something off or I need more hours in to days. Yes, correct. OC will stay in some form, but I need to think about it. Later question will remain unanswered, but I have done enough, I think
  10. Here is the same post what I put up on the crew section. No drama involved, just to let you know I have no more influence on things on this site: Hi all! Time goes on and things change. I have been thinking a lot about my future in overclocking lately. My first step is to leave from Hwbot.org crew and believe me, this was a hard decision. When you get out, there is no coming back as we know. I just feel that I have nothing to give for this site and no point to just hang out in here. My thanks goes to Frederik who put this site up and did amazing job with it in the beginning. I was happy to join the crew in 2007 and it was great honor for me. These 6 years have been amazing time in my life in many different levels. I also thank Pieter-Jan who was helpful since day 1 and we have been able to do a lot together in here and in real life. Have fun in here and "keep pushing" like Oliver would say.
  11. Good opinions in this thread and I will add one more. If I don't want to join the new league what will happen? I can not go in to non pro league cause it would be just wrong in all possible levels. (Full support) I have been doing a lot of work to get my scores and they were taken down with 1 click. Now I would need to accept that I am a part of Team and what ever they do or I do will not benefit me personally anyway. (We have a good team now, that is not a problem) Vendors will not support all the overclockers same way, even they would belong in to same team or if they are in PRO OC league. Second thing is the benchmarks which are selected. Tell me how some new young people from Finland can enter PRO OC league and be competitive? How do they get vendor support for 4 graphics cards and multi CPU platform or highly binned 3770K? This new league did not change anything except the same people who were in PRO OC are now split in to teams. This way some teams will be heavily sponsored by vendors and rule the game just like it was in previous league. So, what have changed and how does people see this new league more attracting? Do they now feel "wohoo I will join" and then realize it is same shit as before while being last in the list. If you ask me, benchmakrs should be limited like Superpi 32M 5GHz challenge etc. where we have seen amazing performance from guys who have never been able to go in to top of the rankings. This hobby is not about the skill when we talk about the WR's... everyone in top 100 have enough skills to take down world records if they have correct hardware in their hands, but taking down some low clock challenge is no walk in a park or peace of cake. In the end, "You are as good as your samples are" and the ones who say this is not true are just fools. So, once again, what have changed in the league and how it is better for audience or newcomers?
  12. Back home and first good night sleep without Dusan "road roller" Nikocevic snoring in other side of the room Damn that was loud!!! It was really nice to see some of the best friends in OC world and make some plans for future. Nick is a party animal, but only after the job is done Like someone said in facebook "unforgettable" describes it best
  13. Great score! Dry ice is not so common nowadays but still competitive Good!
  14. These competitions start to piss me off. Every time there is some really unclear rules or some other issues. This time it is very clear that there is nothing about "use msi GPU only" in that Fire Strike page. Or am I blind? If organizer do a mistake in their own rules, don't punish the user. Punish yourself by admitting the error and doing the right thing (MSI).
  15. Coming coming... Beer tonight?
  16. I have a suggestion. Let's drop the memory part and cinebench out of the first season. I think most annoying thing in this kind of cup is too many benchmarks. In my life 3 months is just an flash, so I really don't have enough time to prepare and do stuff which is needed. As nothing have happened yet in the league, I have suggestion. Let's make it a bit more simple and more entertaining to watch. I think we could take for example 1-2 benchmarks, have 3 cut off rounds and then final month. First cut off period would be after 1 month and after that only top 20 could take part. After that 1 week and only top 10 would continue and last cut off would leave top 5 for last week. Period would be 2 months and there would be 4 contests in a year . I think no suggestions are listened anymore, but it does not hurt to write down these. I am adviser in HWbot who's advice is not needed Nice!
  17. Yeah, because GPU pot needs most of the work. RAM pot is kind of done already Just need to get samples done. CPU pot still need few parts and then I am ready to show how it is. I am very excited about these, so you all should feel the same
  18. Haha..that will be taken in to account in some other way But you need to wait a bit. I will go to Cebit tomorrow and after that I will publish "how to" quides etc. Official launch will be then as all the parts are not yet arrived. Next on the line will be: RAM pot and then GPU pot
  19. It is ready! SF3D OC Inflection point EVO by EKWB This product will make many people happy as insulation will be done totally new way. There will be some extra stuff coming, what I will show later. This picture is from early sample, so take that in to account I hope you like it! I sure do!
  20. This is old score, if you don't remember it It was just updated to PRO OC league. Thanks anyway!
  21. I think our team will be very good in this Xtreme Addict rbuass SF3D
  22. Let the force be with us!!! At least we are heaviest team if nothing else
  23. If there are time frames and pressure about scores, there would need to be some sort of reward coming from it. 10K€ would make me join immediatelly, cause there would be some point to stress few months about some scores and rankings in some particular benchmark. In this old ranking there is no pressure about producing scores. Most of the top scores can not be done under pressure as they need a lot of preparing and pretesting. There will be time for that in this new league too, but it is very different. Now we will be teams and only thing what came from old PRO OC rankings was personal E-pen... E-fame It is actually quite a lot easier to get what ever you want, when you say, that you are in TOP 5 in the worldwide OC ranking. What do we say in the future.. "We have a good team and my team mates did WR last month. Give me all your hardware, I am very good too even I have had no time to take part on anything lately" My intention is to raise more discussion. Time table for this was very unclear "spring 2013" .. and then 4 days before it changes you see small news about it. I was thinking that maybe this will be just skipped as it did not sound good idea at all. Now when it is decided, I do hope all vendors give marketing money for this league and all the people in community support it. If people will leave this league and vendors wont take part it will not end well. We saw what happened with F1OC. They did it too fast with bad support and bad rules.
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