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Everything posted by Teemto

  1. Maybe we can all fail together next time !
  2. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-11-05/apple-said-to-be-exploring-switch-from-intel-chips-for-the-mac.html Makes you wonder if x86 will be a thing of the past in 10 years... Food for thought.
  3. Too bad Asus Smartdoc 5.80 doesn't install (as usual!!!). And as afterburner doesn't work with this card I'm limited to AMD's overdrive which is limited to 900MHz.
  4. This time a correct run with 4GPU's running ;-)
  5. Appologies. As my score was higher than my run with only one card, I didn't notice that only 2 GPU's were active. Should've known though: if it's too good to be true, it usually is :-) Still strange that I somehow got 2000 additional points by plugging in the second card even though it's not used.But hey no problem. Learned something new. Will test the setup under Win7.
  6. Knowing you, the chance of that happening is rather high :-)
  7. Please elaborate on the much bigger -> what else is in store? Intel sponsoring of Hwbot? Or do you mean bigger than the Porsche :-D
  8. New version of Intel Extreme Tuning Utility will feature a built in benchmark in association with...hwbot.org! http://be.hardware.info/nieuws/30015/idf-intel-overklok-utility-integreert-hwbotorg Haven't immediately found an english site posting so you'll have to use google translate ;-) A quick search lead me to: http://www.hwbot.org/benchmark/xtu/ But we'll have to wait till Haswell before it becomes available.
  9. So what do the experts think about the VAPOR scores ? His Virusscan is insane, Gen HDD usage pretty high too. And that all accomplished with just 2 SSD's in RAID and no other soft ?
  10. Thx. With an LN2 card I would've taken first place, was limited by the air cooling on the GPU. Got pretty close though, but ran out of LN2.
  11. Too bad ambient temps were too high (28°C) to get a decent GPU overclock. Damn you nice weather!!! ;-)
  12. 1€/liter buy it through a friend who has a 5000ltr tank at his company.
  13. Didn't know that (whilst taking a deep bow). The Gene-Z will still stay my primary GPU bench rig (SB-E's too expensive for my wallet) until Ivy Bridge becomes available.
  14. Whoa, what do I spot there: publicity for Belgian beers?! Btw, that's actually one of the worst Belgian beers (which is why we export it ;-) ).
  15. Showing off his stack o' cards in the background - subtle ;-) Nice run.
  16. Added a screenshot from GPU-Z.
  17. According to GPU-Z 0.5.4 Name: Radeon X1300/X1500 series GPU: RV515 Technology: 90 nm Device ID: 1002-7146 Subvendor: ATI(1002) Shaders: 4pixel/2vertex Memory type DDR2 Memory size: 256MB Bus width: 64 bit Bandwith: 4.3GB/s Default clocks: 450/250MHz I first though it was the regular one : Radeon X1300 256MB but according to screenshots of other entries that one has a 128bit bus. My card has P/N 102A7710111 000092 Could this be entered as a new type? If not which one should I choose from the list? Grtz, Teemto
  18. Hmm I'll have to ask Jort to add a couple of additional stages to my new cascade after seeing that. I wonder what the startup current is for that behemoth.
  19. Rbuass your efforts (and resulting growing number of overclockers) just show that Brazil along with China, India and Russia (so called BRIC countries) will be the future economic leaders. Thumbs up.
  20. Thx Christian. That's quite a nice piece of SW to keep track of issues and fixes.
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