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Everything posted by mllrkllr88

  1. I made a quick little volt mod guide based on the reference card for a teammate of mine. Maybe this will help someone else too
  2. I might be able to come this year! Our schedule is pretty busy for those dates but there is a possibility I can make it happen.
  3. Greetings! I see there is no thread started for this event and I have a question so I figured I would get one started. Event Link: OC eSports Here is the schedule as stated in the rules: Stage 1: GPUPI for CPU 1B (runs 01/05 - 14/05) Stage 2: 3DMark Ice Storm (runs 01/05 - 21/05) Stage 3: Catzilla 720P (runs (01/05 - 31/05) Will a GT730 GPU be required for participation in stage 1? I would assume its not required but I wanted to confirm. I am concerned because the schedule is very tight and I am not sure the required GPU will be in my hands by then. Thanks for your time! David
  4. Thanks Nachtfalke! I didn't even pay attention to it, obviously I would not intentionally sub glitched runs.
  5. Nope the controller is all good, no triggers!! This is not my card so I was "gently" testing it with very little voltage increase
  6. I am looking for the LN2 Samsung bios and all the links are dead. Anyone still have it lying around?
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