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Everything posted by subaruwrc

  1. 500 shipped.
  2. bump 530 shipped within EU.
  3. Hi there all! I have a 6700k chip to sell. I would call it moderate,there are better chips floating around but this might be affordable for almost the same amount of fun. So here are its results. 1.248v vid 1.42v 5000mz hwprime on air http://hwbot.org/submission/3106351_subaruwrc_hwbot_prime_core_i7_6700k_6627.24_pps?recalculate=true 4800mhz xtu with 1.37v 6.15g 2k6 1.78v http://hwbot.org/submission/3103519_ 6.3 2k5 1.78v http://hwbot.org/submission/3098304_ with a giga z170 soc force mobo,under an Otterauge Xtreme One pot with thermal grizzly. cpu is delidded,and sanded die. cb: no cbb: -135 -140 price I would like to ask is 530euros + shipping within EU. paypal is preferred. shoot me with pm-s and we will have a deal. cheers Adam
  4. dedication and skill,epic work bro!
  5. can be closed.
  6. sent pm (Y)
  7. Hi! currently I have no pot but I don't want to leave OC fully,so I need one. Preferably a good old F1 EE or a Dark. Preferably in the EU but im open to another ideas subaru
  8. killer eff as usual. you removed the whole cooling system from the board ?
  9. any changelog available on the champ bios?
  10. nah man,currently the x99 setup was under testing but I want to test my g3258 again with these sticks so I will give it a try.
  11. That is possible,and maybe the bios im using is not the best,and in addition my board is a bit hurt so I have to use the black slots for dual channel.. After an ln2 session maybe I was a bit too fast removing the frozen dimms and the b channel is not working anymore only if I apply a bit of side pressure on the stick.. then its recognized by the bios.
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