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Everything posted by Bullant

  1. Yeah it’s a great bench, responds to memory really well…. Enjoy
  2. Welcome back man, looks like you’re enjoying new platform and gpu
  3. Hey, yeah so on 13900k I can full pot cpu on both tachyon boards with old and new bios. This cpu might do little more but I was playing with memory….memory only around -80…..I’ve not tested a 14 gen yet
  4. Nice one….I was going to post again but then I looked at bullshooter screenshot, looks like he has couple backup screens in pic
  5. Few pics, some quick test other night on LN2 with Z790 Tachyon and couple pics last night preparing Z790 Tachyon X LN2 insulation CPU, Gpu and memory lation
  6. Some Ambient testing on the new Z790 tachyon X
  7. This is a bugged run, it’s beating ln2 cpu and 3090 gpus.
  8. Screen must have got lost on the upload before, just re uploaded screen
  9. Some recent testing on Gigabyte Tachyon z790.....cpu aio and memory air 8722Mhz 32-47-40
  10. Looks like you are having fun with the gtx 560ti.....Im not sure if you've notice but all of you're gtx 560ti subs are running @x8 "just take a look at gpuz" you'll be loosing some efficiency...
  11. Yeah I’m getting bit slack, I’ll do ln2 memory next time
  12. Been awhile, going to test a kit of PSC on LN2...see if can get into 15s at 4Ghz
  13. Yeah for there is a patch for sli that works with w7 and I think xp
  14. Nice, was think about running some am3 soon also
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