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Everything posted by HiVizMan

  1. Way to go Ian, pleased you spend a productive weekend, unlike mine.
  2. Payment done and dusted.
  3. Got your top spot back I see, nice going my friend.
  4. Hmm actually she does. Very good point.
  5. Any preferences? I tend to like brunettes myself, and over a weekend I find two partners is about par for the course. Jokes aside a very valid point, if we can tie this in with a large hardware release then there would be some leverage to help with the costs.
  6. Some fine benching and top scores you have been putting up sofos - quality work my friend.
  7. Thanks Roman - I do need to make arrangements.
  8. Outstanding result guys - looks like the card is a beast. Grats to you and Tin.
  9. Unfinished business this one mate. Next time it will be sorted.
  10. Very nice benching as always Dewi. Top work from a top bloke.
  11. There are many many like that by the way, hence why I thought it was a bug. And thank you.
  12. Sadly not. http://img.hwbot.org/u46097/image_id_963725.png You might have wanted to actually look at the result screen before replying.
  13. Have noticed an interesting thing while checking a team members results if you go look in the 1 mil Super Pi rankings. It seems that a time of 7.140 is considered slower than a time of 7.370 for example. There are actually quite a few like that. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/191/xy1p.png
  14. Nice one Menthol, like the clocks with the cards. You finding the Classy a easy card to clock? What bios are you currently using?
  15. My wish is for all to be safe and in one piece after the festive period. Merry Christmas to those that celebrate it.
  16. Do we have any further venue or locality update, I am needing to plan cover for this week away. Sergio long time no speak mate, will be good to have a drink or two with you.
  17. Sam - I try to stay focused on a single outcome, so there was no thought of seeing what the max frequency was. Mainly because trying for a suicide CPUz shot would mean not being able to bench that CPU later if it died or was damaged. As it was I lost quite a few processors during the final binning process in any case. At the end of the day I would have liked to join the elite club of benching 32Mil at 8GHz with Roman but that is not going to happen any time soon. I certainly tried, and killed processors in search of that goal over the last week of the contest. I got real close but ... no cigar.
  18. Flank3r yeah I posted in your thread on ROG. I.NFRAR.ED - The first time I binned over 20 8350 processors, but then Roman destroyed the 32Mil scores and broke the 9.30 mark, and even my back ups and I had to start all over again. In the end I think it was closer to 100 processors the second time round, not just 8350'I binned all new AMD processors in my search for a 8GHz benching processor. I got this one from Amazon EU by the way. It came close to benching at 8GHz with 7990MHz for the final runs but I never got to bench over 8GHz for 32 Mil that is Romans alone.
  19. Don't blame me for your odd behaviours mate. Nice going Kenny, and the offer still stands for the CPU.
  20. Very very nice CPU and great scores, can not come close to that frequency so for 32mil am having to work very hard on efficency. Roman you have set the bar really high, outstanding mate simply outstanding.
  21. Nice one Kenny - posted up the rest yet?
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